For as long as we’ve known her, Jody has loved to lounge. While the other chimps frolic around her, she takes it easy in an enormous nest of soft blankets. Young’s Hill, though, is bringing out Jody’s long-latent inner athlete. She’s been playing with the other chimps more and more, and she’s even running for the first time ever.
Today when we opened the door to the hill, Jody shot out like a cork. After a brief run to stretch her legs, she joined Jamie and Foxie for a lengthy game of slow chase. After she had depleted her energy reserves, she found some ice in a tire swing and took it into the greenhouse to enjoy. (Photos courtesy of Jackie)
Wonderful to see Jody developing new interests as in running. Im so happy for Jody to be gettin gso much enjoyment from the Youngs Hill,
I think Jody has lost a little weight and seems to be gaining some muscle mass, as well as just looking most pleased with herself.
Hooray for Jody, she is a beautiful chimp. Look forward to seeing some videos of her running on the Hill. Thank you Elizabeth and Jackie. She certainly enjoyed the ice.
Such wonderful photos & a great update! Yea Jody!
Building on Denice’s comment, I’d also be very interested to hear what the health status quo is, what with all this increased exercise and good diets for all. I remember reading in some of the very early blog entries that you all had hoped to see an increase in muscle tone and overall health, especially with Jody (June 2008). What changes do you see from then until now?
What kinds of routine health care do you provide the chimps?
Hi Allie- We’ve seen some very dramatic physical changes in the chimpanzees since they arrived at CSNW in June 2008. Here are a few “before and after” photo posts from the blog:,,, We expect that the added exercise afforded by Young’s Hill – especially in a couple months when it warms up enough that they’re spending longer hours out there – will only increase the positive changes we see in them.
As for routine health care, it is primarily preventative. We give the chimps a healthy diet (mostly fruits and veggies, no added sugar or salt) and a daily multivitamin. If someone becomes ill or injured, we consult with our veterinarians to determine the best course of action. For the most part, and considering their pasts, the chimps have stayed remarkably healthy so far.
Thanks for tracking down those before/after photos for me and for answering my questions. It’s amazing how much their faces have filled out and their bodies look much more robust. Even their body hair seems to be healthier. I am surprised at how healthy they all are, given the history and the toll that their previous lives must have taken.
Jody certainly knows how to cool off after an exillerating and liberating run outside. Good for Jody , she truly has learnt how to govern herself very well. Thanks to CSNW for making it all available to her , at her whim , her choices,and at her pace. Well done Jody. You rock!!