I know all our regular blog readers have been waiting to see some more video of the chimps out on Young’s Hill. If you haven’t yet, watch this video from KOMO News that shows their first moments out (but have some tissue close by!) This montage is of highlights from the following days. Enjoy!
Teresa in TN says
what a wonderful video! how cute was Annie walking oh so gingerly on the grass? look how brave Jamie and Missy are exploring so far away. I see the lettuce got Negra to come out again. And Burrito was funny nodding with J. B. Now if Jody and Foxie would just come out and play 🙂
Cindy says
Great music!!! JB???! it’s so amazing to see them wandering thru the grass so naturally, almost like a troop on the African savanah! There seemed to be something of an “excited contentment on Burrito’s face”. It will be so interesting to see how they use the outdoors as the weather changes and if there’ll be some creative clothing options to maximize time out! Thanks so much for more!
Debbie says
The music was a theme in the movie editor on the computer 🙂 It does sound like something J.B. would create.
Kaite says
this is FANTASTIC! I’ve been checking almost every day for just this sort of video! Thank you so much for putting it together! Did it seem like Burrito had a funny little walk? where he was picking up his hands and feet really high (right hand left foot, then left hand right foot) in that one cl
ip? I wonder how the ground feels to them. I imagine that in addition to this being the first time they experience the out of doors without bars around them, this is also the first time they have the sensation of privacy – being far away from observers, with lots of foliage in between them and their observers and even their chimp family. That really struck me, that they could actually be alone out there, if they felt like it. Something they never really could do (unless you count being locked up alone in a cage, but that isn’t the same at all) when the urge for some alone time struck them. Very lovely. This is a huge moment for all of us…thanks again for all you do!
love and light,
Debbie says
Yes, Burrito does seem to be adjusting to the feeling of grass, so for now he is picking up his feet very dramatically. We’ve been joking that it’s like a cat with socks on! All joking aside though, it is pretty unfortunate that he feels that way about something so natural. Hopefully in time, he (and the other chimps, too) will become much more comfortable with grass under their feet.
Marcia Douthwaite says
What a wonderful view of them outside, each enjoying it in their own way and time. It was beautiful seeing them wander through the bamboo and grass, sun on their backs. Foxie and Jody out at all today? Love the music, it fit the scene beautifully. Many thanks!
Debbie says
Thanks, Marcia! The chimps were not on the hill today, which Diana explains at the end of this blog post: https://chimpsnw.org/2011/09/the-scale-of-things/
Once they are back out again, we’ll be sure to announce what Foxie and Jody do!
Cari says
Debbie worked really hard on this, and I think it turned out great!
Julie says
More tears in my eyes! Great job Debbie! I’ve loved reading the comments with my thoughts, exactly!
Anna says
I’ve watched this about a half-dozen times in a row. 🙂 Yep, looks like they’re being tickled by the grass at times. But oh, how it must have been a *fabulous* adventure for them! I hope the ‘glitches’ are fixed soon!
Marsha says
I have watched all your marvelous videos – looks like everyone is adapting pretty darn well, or as well as you expected? Do you have any problem getting them to come in at night? They don’t stay out there all day do they? The horses had so really funny expressions on their faces too! Thanks again so very much for sharing – and I am glad we had such beautiful weather for their exploring.
Debbie says
We haven’t had any trouble at all getting them to come in after they’ve been on Young’s Hill (so far!) It seems that at first they’re adjusting to it since it’s new, and they haven’t been spending long stretches of time out there. Since it’s been closed for a couple days for some maintenance, it’ll be interesting to see how they react when they get to go out again!
Sequana says
I had no idea there were horses that close by. This should be endless entertainment for them. 🙂
The chimps are really brave even tho they keep turning around watching for enemies in back of them. Smart. You just never know.
Lorraine says
It’s nice to be outside !
Sara Lissabet says
I grinned like an idiot the whole way through and applauded at the end. Thank you so much for putting this together! (And the music was a wonderful touch!) I know my mouth was open in wonder and amazement as I watched the chimps among the bamboo out in the wilds of Young’s Hill.
Jamie, Missy and Annie seem to be taking to the outdoors pretty well, and Buritto too, pussy-footing around the grass 🙂 I’m so looking forward to seeing Week 2 (and week 3 and week 4…and the party I’m sure you’ll have at the beginning of their second month 🙂
Blessings to all of you. It’s kind of neat too that the timing of this fell around the Jewish New Year – it’s a new year for the chimps and their new freedom on Youngs Hill! (They should get a little apples and honey… 🙂
marie cross (uk) says
thank you so so much Debbie this is a wonderful clip , im in awe at how comfortable everyone is outside fantastic !
Chris says
Ditto, ditto, ditto! So wonderful to watch this…over and over! Thank-you all so much!!
lynn says
thank you so much for this Debbie. It is just perfect 🙂