I know you all are waiting and want an update with video. We had media crews out today and we are going to wait until they air their story before sharing videos, so we’re not scooping them. I’ll let you know as soon as I do when that might be. It won’t be before late tomorrow at the earliest. I’m sure you will agree it’s worth the wait in order to see the chimps on national television.
All of the chimps ventured out. Foxie walked the entire perimeter of the enclosure, then went inside. Jamie explored all of the climbing structures, Burrito seems quite comfortable out there, Jody went out but is a little hesitant, Missy ran through her tunnel a few times and has been carrying a frozen watermelon in and out, Negra was really happy about the lettuce and just chowed down, Annie went in the hammock and has probably spent the most time of anyone out there.
So, here are a couple of photos. More written updates to come!
Negra enjoying her lettuce
Annie & Missy – friends on Young’s Hill