Negra loves looking at the valley below the chimp house. The other day, I removed the greenhouse panels on the south side of the building, giving her a much clearer view. During lunch, she couldn’t take her eyes off of the valley.
Later I caught Foxie spending some time in Negra’s corner, just taking it all in.
Denice says
If the second picture of Negra doesn’t make your heart melt………… nothing will.
marie cross ( uk ) says
i agree what beautiful pictures oh to be able to read her thoughts x
leslie sodaro says
agreed …
Felicity says
The second picture of Miss Neggy takes my breath away. Just stunning…I think I have a new favorite portrait. Kudos to the photographer!
Anna says
Such happiness in her eyes! And so very, very, VERY different than the hollow, distant look in all the chimps’ eyes when they arrived …
Theresa says
Soon, Neggie, soon you will be able to walk out there instead of just look. You are so beautiful, inside and out.
Kathy Haydel says
the photos are awesome. I can hardly wait for them to be able to go out and play and enjoy grass under their feet and the sunshine without cage wire about their heads. this is going to be awesome. I just wish you guys could get some contractor to donate their time and hurry this up for the chimps., Prayers do get answered. You guys are doing great work and I wished I lived in that area to help out but Texas is too far away. God bless all of you . Hugs and love to all of you.