Chimpanzees are lucky to have some very dedicated young people who are speaking out on their behalf. Nine year old Brandon Wood recently sent the Cle Elum Seven a care package all the way from Florida. Not just any care package, though – the most colorful care package we’ve ever received!
Brandon also recently sent a package to our chimpanzee friends at the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute and has been raising money for Save the Chimps. It’s inspiring and uplifting to see such dedication and caring in someone so young. Please visit Brandon’s blog to learn more about him and his work to make the world a better place: and follow him on Twitter: Thanks, Brandon!
Brandon, that’s a VERY cool looking care package you sent to our friends at Cle Elum. I think for a
9 year old, you’re a special young man and your parents are very proud of you. Here’s a PANT-HOOT for you Brandon, good job.
-Pat C
Brandon is a very special young man with a passion for chimps. I love the color on this package and the picture of the chimp. Brandon is thrilled that Boy is now is now at the sanctuary in Florida enjoying the island. We have exchanged several emails and he is one great kid that I am proud to know!
Pant hoots to you Brandon. I so admire your generosity and compassion. The chimps are lucky to have a friend like you!
Brandon is awesome!!!
Thank you so much for caring so much, Brandon. The world is a way better place because of you.
Thank you and keep up the good work, you are helping more than you know.
Wow, great artwork, too! I am sure the chimps loved your package and that you absolutely made their day. Brandon, I love your blog. You are setting a great example for kids (and adults!) everywhere. Keep up the fab work. 🙂
yay Brandon! thanks for giving a hoot!
(perhaps possibly maybe hopefully a future Keith & J.B.!?!?)