Jody has been making lots of great nests lately. It’s amazing that even after decades of deprivation, she is such an accomplished and enthusiastic nest-maker!
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Elizabeth
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
Gayle says
This always fascinates me… such patience and precision. It has to be just right. And I love that Jody waited until she was all set before she settled and ate her nut. Very sweet girl.
Anna says
I loved that brief, sly look right at the camera — “Hey – you watchin’ me?”
And a ‘mixed media’ nest! Straw AND a blanket! Woohoo! She must feel so rich!
Margaret and Karen says
I just love it that she now has all the material she needs to make a good nest.
Cindy says
Ah to have the luxury to be so diligent and purposeful about her comfort! She reminds me of me and how I can be very self directed when highly motivated! She’s a planner and knows what she wants! How wonderful she can experience those apsects of her personality!!!
MS says
When Jody came to the sanctuary the first day, didn’t she take one blanket, wrap it tightly around her, then sit down on it. How nice that she can now take as long as she wants to make her nests “just so” and then enjoy a big, comfy nap!
Theresa says
i love watching them get their nests just right. They deserve to be picky about their beds after sleeping on a steel floor for all those years. Every video of them being chimps warms my heart and makes me grateful for CSNW.
norm says
It really is like a kind of performance art, or site-specific installation.
Diana says
Norm – yes! Maybe we should take photos of the final products and have a gallery show/analysis. My favorite nests are the ones with toys mixed in among the blankets and straw. Jody will often dismantle her nest and carry it to a new location to rebuild.
Devin McCormick says
I think videos like this one of Jody making a nest should be shown to courts as proof of natural instincts of chimps that are being denied to those still in labs that don’t get this opportunity at a minimal amount of comfort and choice. It really shows proof of their intelligence and thoughtful understanding.
Sara Lissabet says
I have to say I’m a bit envious! I would love to making a comfy nest in the sunshine, have a snack, and enjoy the beautiful Washington views from my nap place!
Wanda says
I have been so busy with a project I am doing for the chimpanzees, I haven’t taken time to watch the videos. This is amazing……
Beverly J Carbonatto says
I am so disapppointed that my computer won’t bring up the pictures, but I am so happy to hear the news. Some day my computer will let me view the nest making. I will keep it on my email until I do.
Love to them, Bev