This morning we put out at least 50 trolls. Many of them had almonds in their bodies as a little troll “forage.” So Foxie had a wide array of companions today! Tonight, she was the last one to come in for dinner. She came in and out of the front rooms a few times before I could close the door – each time going back out to grab just one. more. troll. I think she had six when she finally got settled!
Then, at dinner, I noticed another sign of “plenty:” Annie sitting in front of not one, not two, but THREE buckets of food! We always make sure to put out enough so that everyone can get at least one. But usually that means Jamie gets 5, a few folks get 2, and Annie gets one. Go Annie!
Cindy says
Good for Annie, I wonder if the balance of power shifted a bit and some feel a little more comfortable about asserting themselves just a bit more. Love the food pails.
Perhaps we can start troll jokes…how many trolls can Foxie….????
Denice says
I volunteered this morning and the “Troll Forage” was big hit with everyone. I did notice that Foxie had a hand/foot full of trolls as well as one large troll she carried/balanced on her back on the upper loft area. She would have been a very good Mother if given the chance.
I agree, Sarah, go Annie……….
Thank you
Anna says
That’s a pretty cute and smug smile on her face! 🙂 Full food buckets, full heart.
Shelly Knapp says
Ohhh, I’m so happy for sweet Annie! Almond stuffed trolls, you guys just never cease to amaze me with all the things you come up with! Never a dull moment, huh? 😉
Jeani Goodrich says
This is one of the best! I also was wondering if Annie would remain the low man on the totem pole. Way to go Annie. Does this mean someone else is the lowly one or do they have equal footing now?
Foxie, you go girl! Talk about heaven on earth. I love it!!! Did you get any pictures of the troll invasion?
Margaret and Karen says
The troll invasion! That is great Jeani. How I would have loved to see them during the day of plenty! And Annie…..YEAH!!
dee says
yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh! -Go Annie!
just one. more. troll. – that was too funny ..
Jill says
I agree Anna – smug is the perfect word for that smile on Annie’s face:) And I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing about Foxie’s endless adventures with her trolls! Do the others still occasionally carry them around?
Theresa says
Bless Foxie’s heart. I bet she felt the mother of the octuplets with all those trolls! Way to go Annie girl! I love that smile…lol.