Here’s a video to illustrate what we mean when we say that Jamie is always busy. A quick synopsis: get a new drink container (thanks Makenzie!), inspect, drink, share with Foxie, remove straw. Get some paper (she loves paper that has already been scribbled on), get some crayons, poke at Sarah, color. Get some more crayons, put crayons in drink container. Drink crayon water, inspect. Grab onion peel from lunch and think up something to do with it. Adjust onion peel for receipt of water, dab onion peel in water, pour water in onion peel. Use onion peel to scrub paper. Pour water into plastic brush (after removing the bristles), use onion peel to sponge up water. Suck water out of onion peel (this is a natural chimp behavior – in the wild they’ve been observed using leaves to sponge up water and then drink it). Repeat. Repeat.
Can you imagine her being stuck in a lab cage for so many years?