Sarah had a brilliant idea the other day – registering at stores for some items we need for the chimp house and some things we’d love to have, including toys for the chimpanzees. So far, we’ve registered at Target for a housewarming enrichment party for the chimpanzees on July 20th. We’ll continue to add stuff to the registry in the coming days, but we have a good sized list going now. As you’ll see we need a lot of storage items. You can find it by going to this link: or by searching at under ‘wishlists’, choosing ‘advanced search’ and typing in “chimpanzee sanctuary northwest” under the organization name field.
Aside from the items on the Target registry, there are a few other things that we are in need of that are more day-to-day items:
For the kitchen and general cleaning: paper cups, paper lunch sacks, herbal tea (esp. berry flavored), seal-able freezer bags, ‘friendly’ dish soap such as Planet brand (for Jamie’s cleaning), disposable medical exam gloves, sturdy garbage bags, very large non-breakable bowls
To give to the chimpanzees: new or gently used sheets, sturdy scrub brushes, new sturdy hair brushes, non-toxic paint, inexpensive canvases for painting (on cardboard backer, not stretched on frame), rolls of paper such as butcher paper or plain brown wrapping paper, new large paint brushes, non-toxic paint, sturdy wading pools (notice the “sturdy” theme), new or nearly new socks, unused non-toxic and animal friendly lipstick and other make-up
I know there’s lots more – that’s just what’s coming to me at the moment. We’ll be making our online wishlist more up-to-date very soon. Thanks!!
Am LOVING all the new photo’s and being kept updated with details ~ really can’t thank you enough!!
i’ll get some more of that berry tea pronto!
A housewarming party on July 20th! Sounds WONDERFUL. We will stay alert for more information.
What type of medical exam gloves do you need? I can get a bunch. (ex: size, latex, vinyl, powdered or not ?).
This housewarming will be a big enrichment party for the chimpanzees, and I will share lots and lots of photos and video of the day. We’ve already gotten some items from the target list!
Jennifer – we could use a variety of sizes (small, medium, large). I think latex unpowdered would be best, but we’re not picky. As far as I know, none of us have latex allergies. Thanks!
Julia – they all loved that berry tea you gave, so thanks in advance for more!
What size sheets are you looking for??? I love the blog about giving them the mirrors….now that’s a great story….
Any size sheets – the chimpanzees use sheets and blankets to nest. Right now we have lots of blankets but not as many sheets. Thank you 🙂
Is the housewarming event on July 20 open to the public? If so, what hours, where, cost? Can you tell I’m excited about the possibilty?
The Target registry is such a wonderul idea! I am going to get a message out to friends this weekend and link them to the site.
Diana, thank you so much for the daily stories and pictures… I have my coffee and read your blog every morning now – what a great way to start my day!
To Diana…..
Ok, another stupid question about the sheets…if I have some sheets I don’t use anymore, could you use them too?? The only thing is that they are waterbed sheets. Thanks for you answer and a big thanks for saving these beautiful creatures…you all are “THE BOMB”
Ann – I’m afraid that we are not open to the public. I know how much everyone would love to meet the chimpanzees in person, but the building does not allow a public visitor program at this time – if (when??) we get a very large donation for an educational center, we would like to have a visitor/education program which allows the chimpanzees to choose whether or not they would like to see visitors.
The housewarming will be a huge party for the chimpanzees and we will share lots of stories, photos, and video of that day with everyone. Speaking of videos, I’m working on uploading some on You Tube – stay tuned for that!
Paula – we will accept any sheets as long as they are clean and in good condition (they don’t have to be brand new). Thank you!
Pam –
Thanks for letting others know about the Target registry! It’s so great to know that you look at the blog every morning!!!
To Diana…thanks for the answer about the sheets…I have some socks that I don’t use anymore….also is it ok if they are mismatched? I know I’ve said this before, but I really do appreciate the work that you are doing and giving these beautiful creatures a chance to live the life they richly deserve. My heart breaks thinking how they lived before and the chance they have now…God bless all of you….a big thanks and you all are “THE BOMB”
Paula – totally fine to send mismatched socks! Thank you for your kind words and for caring about these seven very special individuals.
Love the nest making/bed making. Do the chimps bed down close to each other? Chimp pj party style? Or do they find their own separate places? SUCH a delight to LEARN from you all! Big thanks!
Hi Jinny!
I’ve seen a few of the ladies lay down next to each other. Missy, Annie, and Negra in particular. I suspect that Jody makes the biggest beds and others lie in her bed when she gets up. During cleaning the other day I found a bed in the favored spot on the ledge near the windows that was made with 15 blankets/sheets plus a bunch of pages ripped out of magazines. Jody tends to collect all of the bedding she can to add to her nest, so it’s only fair that others have a chance to enjoy it too. Sometimes Negra likes to have just one or two sheets or blankets. She completely covers her body while she’s sitting up – she looks like she’s dressed as a ghost for Halloween. Eventually she peaks her face out, but leaves the sheet over her head and body, still sitting up. Once she’s ready, she’ll lie down, but she seems to enjoy being totally covered first.
Bless you all for the work you are doing, the chimps are beautiful. I read the blog daily and enjoy every minute of it. The Target Registry was a wonderfull Idea.