We received a giant stuffed fox during the Comfort and Joy auction, thanks to a special donor! Due to some enrichment restrictions, Cy’s group cannot have any stuffed animals (a few of them would eat it) but they still got to meet the fox and enjoyed it. Later in the morning, after cleaning the Playroom for Jamie’s group, we set up the stuffed fox on Burrito’s blue barrel. As you will see in today’s video, Burrito absolutely had the time of his life. What else is new?
Thank you Pamela N. for the fox!
Our new fox (shark was just a blanket on top):
Cy gives the fox a kiss:
Gordo grooms his toenails:
Gordo bites his lip while in his box nest:
Handsome Gordo:
Gordo looks at the fox while Kelsi holds it:
Gordo interacts with the fox:
More Gordo:
Terry sniffs the fox: