Brief description: PVC caps are stacked on top of each other and able to be manipulated up and down on an eyebolt. Treats can be placed or smeared inside each cup, requiring that the chimps manipulate the PVC caps to access all of the treats inside. These are placed on the outside of the caging to increase difficulty level.
Materials: PVC caps, eyebolt, S-hook, chain, locking nuts and washer.
Assembly instructions: Drill holes in the bottom of each PVC cap. Insert eyebolt through 3 PVC caps, adding a washer and locking nut to the bottom of the eyebolt underneath the 3 PVC caps. Be sure to tighten the locking nut enough that it is secure and unable to be removed, but not restricting the ability of the caps to move up and down along the eyebolt. If desired, longer eyebolts can be purchased to allow for more PVC caps to be added to each puzzle, or to use larger PVC caps. Use the S-hook to attach the eyebolt to chain to allow the device to be hung from the caging. If desired, add firehose over the chain.
How to use: Apply treats to the inside of each PVC cup. Peanut butter, pudding, honey, or other sticky substances can be smeared around all sides of the inside of each cup, but you can also fill with seeds, dried fruit, baked fruit, or other small items. Hang up on the outside of the caging for the chimps to work on.
Price: You can purchase a 4 pack of 2″, schedule 40 PVC caps for $16, and a 1/4″ x 8″ eyebolt for about $6 per eyebolt (which makes it about $18 per hanging PVC cups device, without cost of chain, nuts, and washers).