Brief description: Frisbees strung together can form a challenging puzzle.
Materials: ~2 feet of ~1″ width fire hose -rubber part removed, length of chain (you should be able to thread the chain through the slightly shorter length of hose), 3 bolts, 3 nuts, 6 washers (hardware should all be the same size for compatibility), drill with drill bits (you need one bit that is compatible with your fasteners and one that is large enough to make about an inch sized hole in the center of the Frisbees), stack of durable Frisbees (we used 8 Green Toys EcoSaucer Flying Disks per puzzle). Padlock for attaching the puzzle to the caging
Assembly instructions: Using the large drill bit, drill a hole in the center of each Frisbee (the hole should be in exactly the same spot so they line up when stacked together). Thread the chain down the length of fire hose. Fold the end of the hose up a couple inches and drill all the way through the fold (being careful to avoid the bit touching the chain). Secure your fold with a bolt, nut and two washers. Thread the hose/chain length through the center of your stack of Frisbees. Your Frisbee stack should be sitting securely on top of that bottom fold and should not be able to slip off. Drill another hole in the firehose just above the top Frisbee on the stack and attach a second set of hardware so the Frisbees cannot slip up or down very easily. To keep the hose from slipping down the length of chain, secure the top of it by drilling another hole through the hose and using the fasteners. You should have several inches of exposed chain peeking out the top so it is easy to attach to the caging.
How to use: Smear peanut butter on the flat surfaces of the Frisbees. Attach the top part of chain to the caging using a padlock. The chimps will have to manipulate and bend the Frisbees to reap the rewards. To make it even more difficult, lock to the outside of the caging.
Price: Approximately $50/puzzle, depending on how many Frisbees you use.