Brief description: Kongs are durable rubber toys that are traditionally used as food puzzles for dogs, but they also work well for chimpanzees.
Materials: Kong Brand dog toys and other brands such as Busy Buddy. They come in different shapes, sizes, and levels of toughness. For heavy chewers, use the most durable black Kongs
Assembly instructions: No assembly required
How to use: Nuts work well in Kongs (no shreds of paper needed), although different nuts are best for each individual shaped Kong. Peanut butter and other sticky foods can be smeared inside them as well. For added difficulty you can freeze them as well as hide them inside large socks or tie them inside blankets and hide them throughout the enclosure.
Price: $5-$10 per toy. Can be purchased from local pet store or online retailer.
Jody collects a Busy Buddy Block Toy off a platform on Young’s Hill.
Annie uses her finger to scoop peanut butter out of a Kong.
Burrito plays with a Kong ZOO Classic. (These are special ordered from Kong Zoo and are more expensive than the smaller Kongs.)