It’s no secret, I celebrate Burrito every day. And this is why! Those busy little legs and feet, sigh. I have a pocket in my heart just for lovable Bub’s. And another for Neggie! I can’t believe my eyes! Is that really Negra, just grooving in the sunshine, nibbling on snow snacks, loving her buddy?! As Diana pointed out years ago, she ages in reverse.
Heads up, Anna, this didn’t push to my email. I got worried and came looking for it.
I’m overjoyed to see Neggie outside on a winter’s day, and not inside under a pile of blankets!
And I’ve seen chimp, bonobo, and gorilla mamas play “airplane” with their babies, but I don’t recall seeing a male play with them! Let’s hope Foxie’s prize big doll can stand up to Burritoand his tapping toes! At least he’s not trying to bounce on her head!
A sidenote re Foxie’s dolls, have you ever given Foxie a ‘monkey doll’ (I know the chimps are apes etc, but you know what I mean)!
If so, how did she react to a monk’ baby vs a doll baby?
They have. She doesn’t like them. There are videos somewhere, I think.
Burrito got a gift some weeks back, a stuffed monkey. Someone beat him to it and decapitated it. Ms Foxie is, I believe, still considered a chimpy person of interest, due to her presence in the vicinity at the time of decapitation. I am convinced that that allegation is false, and based on circumstancial evidence. I still demand justice for Foxie!
Thanks, ok!
Although, that incident some weeks back, that was a very big stuffed ‘entity’, more like a big pillow (if we’re thinking of the same incident?). So maybe that didn’t appeal to her mother instinct? More her/their enemy instinct, possibly?
Hmm…has Foxie seen today’s video? I’m thinking that she might have second thoughts about leaving one of her kids under the tutelage of Bubba.
To be fair, she sometimes treats them worse :sweat_smile:
It’s no secret, I celebrate Burrito every day. And this is why! Those busy little legs and feet, sigh. I have a pocket in my heart just for lovable Bub’s. And another for Neggie! I can’t believe my eyes! Is that really Negra, just grooving in the sunshine, nibbling on snow snacks, loving her buddy?! As Diana pointed out years ago, she ages in reverse.
Thanks Anna! This brightened my day.
Heads up, Anna, this didn’t push to my email. I got worried and came looking for it.
I’m overjoyed to see Neggie outside on a winter’s day, and not inside under a pile of blankets!
And I’ve seen chimp, bonobo, and gorilla mamas play “airplane” with their babies, but I don’t recall seeing a male play with them! Let’s hope Foxie’s prize big doll can stand up to Burritoand his tapping toes! At least he’s not trying to bounce on her head!
I guess we know why Foxie doesn’t typically entrust Bubs with babysitting duty! :sweat_smile:
Katelyn is babysitter AND “doll security”!:laughing:
Lol! 😀
A sidenote re Foxie’s dolls, have you ever given Foxie a ‘monkey doll’ (I know the chimps are apes etc, but you know what I mean)!
If so, how did she react to a monk’ baby vs a doll baby?
They have. She doesn’t like them. There are videos somewhere, I think.
Burrito got a gift some weeks back, a stuffed monkey. Someone beat him to it and decapitated it. Ms Foxie is, I believe, still considered a chimpy person of interest, due to her presence in the vicinity at the time of decapitation. I am convinced that that allegation is false, and based on circumstancial evidence. I still demand justice for Foxie!
Thanks, ok!
Although, that incident some weeks back, that was a very big stuffed ‘entity’, more like a big pillow (if we’re thinking of the same incident?). So maybe that didn’t appeal to her mother instinct? More her/their enemy instinct, possibly?