Dora is a very silly, quirky gal. Whether it’s spinning in two circles before she walks somewhere or shaking her head back and forth to tell her caregivers that she doesn’t want something, Dora is truly one-of-a-kind. Today, I showed Dora a mirror as she loves to look at her reflection. Little did I know, I’d end with a 8+ minute video of jam-packed Dora footage.
You may be wondering… does Dora know she is looking at herself? Yes! There have been several studies on self-recognition concluding that chimpanzees can in-fact recognize themselves. As you will see in today’s video, Dora wanted to watch herself do everythingggggg while looking in the mirror, even poke an empty raisin board, just for fun.
She is so cute and clever! She would have fun with a bigger mirror!
Beautiful close-ups of a beautiful, expressive, face. I wanted tosuggest that you affix a large mirror in one of your playfooms forhe chios to interact with, but I guess the reason you don’t is tha it could be broken, and, result in the glass shattering all over the floor?
They had a big one framed in wood. At first it was on the old side of the house, then they moved it to this side. I think you can see it in a couple of videos when Mave, Honey B, and Willy first arrived. And maybe when they did a blanket fort themed enrichment day. But I haven’t seen it in a while.
That was so cool. Dora has such a beautiful face and her eyes (and eyelashes) so big. She was enjoying watching herself interact with that raisin board! So interesting to watch Dora watching herself. At the end, I think she had a little bit of raisin or chopstick splinter caught in her tooth and was in need of some floss! Thanks for letting the video run for so long. Loved every minute.
You know, I was thinking that maybe she had something going on with that tooth, but you’re probably right-it was splintering the chopstick that did it. Don’t suppose that it will stop her from doing it again in the future!:smile:
Yes Dora that beauty is the mirror is fascinating. I wonder why the large round mirror was taken down? I remember Willy B used to love watching himself on it. It may be just what he needs to tone down his disruptive behavior.
Her face can be so hard to read!
A quiet time in the house…. her brother sitting in the back, quietly, all alone. I hope that was by choice. Poor little Gordito
have you ever watched the jungle mirror videos on YouTube? They are hysterical! With a bigger mirror, I’m sure little Miss Dora would’ve shocked you. They do like to inspect their privates! A lot! LOL
I have; they’re interesting. The gorillas don’t get it…:laughing:
I think there’s a video of Ms Fox checking out her backside in a mirror once,just bc she could..
Our little Dora is an amazing actor…….