I couldn’t love this day of sanctuary from our dear friend, Kathleen Corby, more. It’s beautiful and grounding and relevant in all the best ways. Thank you so much, Kathleen, this is a gift to read.
“January 29, 2025 marks the beginning of the Year of the Snake. As we kick off the Lunar New Year, I couldn’t help but think of the chimps!
To be more specific, this is the Year of the Wood Snake. Per Chinese cosmology, each year an animal is paired with one of the five basic elements: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which create a 60-year cycle. The elements compliment and conflict with each other, but it is this ongoing interaction that is believed to promote harmony, balance, and order in the natural world. The Wood Snake is said to be charming, intelligent, and creative but also secretive, cunning, and sometimes ruthless.
To the chimpanzees who reside at CSNW, snakes are just a nuisance, intruders slithering into their home, uninvited and unwanted. Not to mention, snakes for many, are simply downright scary and very dangerous! Just ask Annie and Burrito.
But, I see a similarity between these slithery serpents and the sanctuary chimpanzees. Snakes shed their skins to accommodate growth as their bodies expand, to remove parasites that may be attached to their old skin, and to repair to the outer layer, essentially allowing them to “refresh” their skin as they grow throughout their lives. After a snake sheds its skin, it is left behind.
Isn’t this a similar process to what each individual living in the sanctuary has had to do? Coming from backgrounds where they were used as unwilling test subjects in biomedical laboratories, each has had to shed the skin of their past. Each chimpanzee, in their own way, has had to go through a process of “repair” in the hopes that they will “refresh” their lives as they grow. And in constantly doing so they, hopefully, leave their pasts behind.
So here’s to the Year of the Wood Snake! May it bring harmony and peaceful order to our beautiful natural world.”
Birthday beauty, Rayne (she turns 35 today!!):
Willy B:
Honey B:
Willy B and Rayne:
Although I assume that Annie might fiercely disagree with your statement, your eloquence cannot be denied. It is indeed heartening to observe Annie and Missy, Burrito and Raynie thrive on their mountainside home.
And, regardless of the year in the 12-year cycle of the zodiac, today is the Day of Rayne Marie! I wish the Ranger of the Bray a happy birthday as well as a healthly, prosperous new year of patroling her land and enticing play faces on the mug of Willy B.
Thank you Kathleen, for your continued support and an eloquent dedication!
Happy birthday to the lovely Rayne (I love that pic)! Can’t wait to see the party!
Thank you, Kathleen, for you lovely words. Happy Lunar New Year.
Thank you, Kathleen for sharing your thoughts! Happy New Lunar Year to everyone! :dragon::izakaya_lantern::fireworks:Many more happy birthdays, Raynee!:gift_heart:
Thank you, Katelyn, for these magnificent photos (especially happy to see you added in my boy Willy B). LOVE the photo of our Birthday Girl!
Can’t wait to discover how everyone will be celebrating Rayne’s birthday today! She has countless traits worthy of celebrating… today and everyday. Here’s to Rayne!!
Heartfelt thanks,Kathleen,and beautiful stated.Personally, I always feel that snakes are much maligned creatures. Yes, they can be deadly and dangerous, and, no, I wouldn’t want them in close contact with our beloved residents at CSNW, but they didn’t choose what they are and basically live their lives as best they can. On a lighter note, let me say “Happy birthday, Rayne!” and I know you will have a fantastic and fun filled day. May your year be filled with pant hoots galore. :heart::heart:
Happy Birthday Rayne!
Wishing you all the best snacks and comfy nests a girl can stand.
Thank you Kathleen for sponsoring today and for the beautiful and thoughtful words, and to Katelyn for the wonderful photos. Happy Lunar New Year to everyone:)