Phew! How are we feeling on this 3rd day of the new year? A little tired? In need of some rest and relaxation? After the hustle and bustle of the last couple of months, I was happy to come across Terry, Willy B and Cy having a calm moment in the greenhouse.
I invite you to take a moment with these three. Sit back, get comfy, take a deep breath and enjoy the tranquility of 3 friends enjoying a serene moment while sharing snow snacks.
Linda C says
Sooooo quiet…. almost the kind of quiet that makes parents suspicious…:smile:
Is it just these 3 gentlemen now, or did the ladies not want snow snacks?
Have any of them shown signs of wanting to go out in the chute or to the Bray since the snow has fallen?
Diana says
Everyone seems to enjoy a little snow. Rayne especially among the ladies. We saw Lucky, Terry, Rayne, and Cy all go on the Bray last week, perhaps influenced by a little drama, but Lucky seemed to enjoy scanning the snowy landscape.
Linda C says
So happy to hear they’re braving the snow!
Honey B and Mave still nope out :laughing:
Kim Antoine says
i feel a connection to those three. I have something called Burning Mouth Syndrome and ice cubes are my best friend. Seeing the chimps put a bunch of snow into their mouths and enjoying it. they’re living my life 🙂 i love your videos of the chimps 🙂
Diana says
Oh, wow. Burning Mouth Syndrome sounds very unpleasant. It is nice that the snow can provide enrichment and comfort in the midst of winter.
Gaynell says
Usually boys with snow means a snowball fight. But not these calm gentlemen. Serenity Now!!
evie says
I like how the chimps keep the snow in their lip! Do they have sensitive teeth?
Diana says
Evie, that’s a good question. They certainly can have tooth problems that could lead to sensitivity. In general, chimpanzees seem much tougher than us modern humans in all ways, though.
Kathleen says
My moment of zen! I love the way each one enjoys their snow snack. Aren’t Terry’s hands freezing? Thanks, Krissy, for sharing this chill moment. (Sorry, couldn’t resist!)
Susan Kathleen Feeley says
Well watching Terry, Willy B and Cy chilling out in every sense with that snow had a most calming effect on me. Yes, very Zen and better than Yoga or pilates (for me anyway). These guys know a trick or two when it comes to relaxing but where were the ladles I wonder. Maybe a siesta was called for.?
Linda C says
I’m wondering if they’re not trying out these 3 gents together so they can finish working out Willie Bs issues, since they said he usually starts something with Terry on his daily ruckus
Paulette Wrisley says
Willy B is probably not keen to start anything with Cy sitting right next to him! or maybe it just wasn’t the right time of day? :person_shrugging:?
Paulette Wrisley says
oh wow, I like the three big hopefully non-destructible bowl/seat/giant urn!
Linda C says
The green one is supposed to be a rocker; they can sit in it and rock or spin. Not sure about the brown one.
Paulette Wrisley says
well, if burrito had the brown one, I’m sure he would turn it upside down and sit on it!
Linda C says
The green one has a brown counterpart on some side of the chimp house. Burrito could probably use that tall one as a seat for spying on the neighbors!
Diana says
Yes, we do! They do enjoy that, but they also really like plain snow too, which has zero calories!