Many thanks to Adam and Aimee Webber for celebrating their mother, Linda Webber, through a day of sanctuary for the chimpanzees and cows!
“Our Mother’s birthday, Linda Webber. She loves following all of the animals housed at CSNW and every year wants a donation in her name.
Mom, thank you for your endless love and support. You are the most amazing woman we know. Hope this day is as special as you are. With love, Adam and Aimee”
Have a wonderful, happy day Linda and thank you for continuing to share your special day with the chimpanzees and cows!
Her daughter, Honey B:
Foxie and Strawberry Shortcake:
Negra and friend:
Theresa Leone Davidson says
Happy Birthday, Linda!!
Kathleen says
Hope your birthday day is so exciting you kick it off with a big excited display and endless pant hoots!
Glenda Brandner says
Happy Birthday Linda.
Gaynell says
Thank you Adam and Aimee for celebrating your mom’s birthday by sponsoring a sanctuary day. I am sure that makes her happy and you too. Best wishes for the holiday season to your family.
Linda C says
Happy birthday, from one Linda linda to antoher!
Linda McKillop says
yes a very happy birth day to another Linda. big Question. totay off subject. any way i could get copys otodays pics of FOXIE. i have a special luv for that girl. ans her BABIES. i would pay for postage. ? just asking. out of them normal ,so if not i understand. A very MerryXmas to you all for what you do. Sincerly. Linda. :monkey_face:
Linda C says
Yep! You just click on the picture. When it reliads, you just go to the top of the page and clic on the download (arrow pointing down). That will save the pic to your device. All pics work this way except for the one at the top of the page.
Katelyn says
Hi Linda, perfect timing! We send photos as thank yous when people make donations (if they choose to receive them) and yours is being prepped today. 🙂 Our current prints aren’t of the one on this blog, but we have a similar one we can send. And thank you for your support of Foxie and friends in all it’s forms!
Linda C says
Oh, if that’s the “,tiny things occupying space in our hearts” card, I love that one! Linda, you’ll love it!
Adrienne says
Many more happy returns of the day, Linda! :monkey_face::cow2::gift::bouquet::champagne_glass: Thank you, Adam and Aimee!:hugging: