Let’s start with freezing rain. Because we did, in fact, start the day with freezing rain. I’m not a fan. It coats everything, and makes me fall down. If it’s 27 degrees, and there is precipitation, it should snow (in my opinion). Right? If there are any meteorologists out there who want to explain it to me, that would be great.
Enough about freezing rain.
Today, I got to try on one of the items donated through our Comfort & Joy auction, and model it for the chimps. Sherry R was the generous donor that won the Flamingo Hooded Blanket for the chimps! It is SERIOUSLY COZY! Sherry, it’s so cozy, I may pick one up for myself!
Thank you, Sherry R, for giving the chimpanzees a little more Comfort and a lot more Joy with your generous gift! I’ll bet Burrito curled up in it after making me run around the hill today. In the freezing rain.
mo says
That is a seriously cool blanket!
And you are a seriously cool friend to Burrito to run with him in the freezing rain!
Linda C says
Oh my goodness, and we thought every day was the day to be Bubba’s friend!
Why did it sound like you ve had dome tap dancing classes? Perfect for Neggie!
Eli says
The things we do for the people we love! Even if it does include running around the hill in the freezing rain…
That flamingo blanket sure looks cozy, Jamie seemed to think so too!
At least Neggie stayed nice and warm in her nest and enjoyed a nice dance performance, to boot. I had to laugh seeing just her head bob up and down from her giant mountain of blankets!
Kathleen says
I’m with you on the ice/sleet/hail observation! Still, it appears that you are unflappable when it comes to making the most of a bad situation. You seem to always spread positive energy! Even the Boss is enjoying the day now that Pink Flamingo paid her a visit. I could see Jamie’s wheels spinning thinking about how she could incorporate all that pink fluff into her corner nesting spot. Burrito looked pretty jazzed too!
I believe everyone in Cy’s group were daydreaming about the warm California weather. 🙂 Neggie gets the prize for enjoying the dancing Pink Flamingo most of all. She clearly appreciated the performance from her balcony perch, cozy and warm in her blanket nest, bobbing her precious noggin to show her sincere pleasure, while not having to budge an inch. Encore! Encore!
Adrienne says
Thanks, Sherry for the great flamingo blanket! :heart_eyes: