With the success of the Fill the Fridge for the Holidays fund in our Comfort & Joy 2024 online auction, we thought we’d bring Christmas to the sanctuary a little early. Grace and Kelsi ordered some extra special treats along with our usual produce delivery and the staff set about decorating the trees on the Hill and Bray with edible ornaments! As you can see, there are many ways to pluck treats out of a prickly tree—and many ways not to! It’s always fun to watch the chimps work through challenges like this.
Many, many thanks to the Fill the Fridge donors: Shelley W., Jamie R., Sherry P., Jayne R., Melody W., Jackie P., Penelope A., Teresa C., Tricia M., Dusty C., Molly N., Frances B., Rebecca M., and Winifred G.!
Linda C says
Aw, poir little Gordito knew you were watching and lughing, JB! I think it hurt his pride! 🙂 Glad that the tree on that side could take his weight–I was holding my breath when Burrito started climbing the other one.
I had to do a double take when I saw a second chimp from the OG wing with a doll in her mouth! Neggie made it out and about and took a doll with her!
They didn’t seem too excited over the round ornaments. Were those frozen ice treats? And did Burrito have to pay The Boss a Corn Tax?
J.B. says
Yes, they were frozen treats with fruit inside. I don’t think Burrito had to hand over any food to Jamie but notice how he let Jamie take whatever she wanted from the tree he had been working on when she approached…he knows the rules.
Linda C says
Oh, yeah, I noticed! I just couldn’t tell if she rolled up with that corn in her hand or if she took it from him.
Susan Kathleen Feeley says
Wow, not content to decorate indoor Christmas trees for the chimps but, getting into the Christmas spirit -and tree decorations -outside. How smart, creative and such great fun for everyone. I loved sweet Annie’s delight with her goodies and the determination anf dexterity of Buritto shaking that tree determined to get his largesse. A huge thankyou to everyone and it looks like the day was a resounding success. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!
Kathleen says
That was fun! I enjoyed seeing the different techniques to getting the goodies. Especially Gordo’s strategy! Seemed like a brilliant idea to climb up on the firehose until…oops!!
Thank you to everyone who filled the fridges and the holiday trees.
Adrienne says
Huge respect to all the donors!!!:hugging::green_heart::monkey_face::purple_heart::ox:
Anne Gardner says
Love Jamie – I’ll have that one, and that one, got room for that one too….
Oh bless, Gordo, that hard stare just in case you saw his ignominious tumble and had dared laugh.
Love the “shake those baubles down” tactic too.
Linda C says
Jamie is like little brother Randy on Christmas morning– ” oh, this one’s mine! This one’s mine, too!”
Cindee says
This made me wonder. With Cy’s group split in two, are the caregivers having to decorate The Bray twice so each group gets a forage separately?
J.B. says
CY’s group had their party in the playroom and greenhouse yesterday. They had the pleasure of welcoming Terry and Mave into their group so that was the focus of the entertainment for the day. Honey B and Gordo got to enjoy the Bray all by themselves.
Kathleen says
Terry and Mave joined the group! Yay! Great news to hear. You’ll have to share the progress (and struggles) in getting to this stage. I am very curious to hear how Willy B is dealing with hierarchy and leadership challenges. Hoping he is feeling more at ease and comfortable with himself.
Linda C says
You beat me to it, Kathleen
Eli says
I think Gordo is making a mental note to spit water at the camera person later. It’s alright Gordo, it takes a lot of practice to get Missy or Jamie-level balance!
J.B. says
Funny you should say that – he was a menace at dinner, spitting all over the caregiver that was serving him 🙂
Eli says
Revenge for catching him in an embarassing moment on camera! I just knew that face meant he was planning something!