The tinsel and lights are slowly coming down, and as the holiday magic fades into January’s quiet, life settles back into its familiar rhythm. In our little corner of the world, everyone’s finding their way back to their favorite routines – each in their own way.
Cy, our resident bookworm, has already disappeared behind a stack of magazines. You can almost see the contentment radiating from him as he catches up on the reading he was distracted from during the holiday hustle.
Meanwhile Honey B is doing what she does best – turning her favorite cubby into the coziest spot in town. She moves blankets and other crucial items around until it’s just right, she is an interior decorator with very specific ideas about comfort.
And then there’s Jamie, who hasn’t given up on her ongoing mission of collecting all the boots. Her dedication to claiming these prized possessions from their two-legged owner would make any master strategist proud.
Linda C says
Well,,they ARE some snazzy boots, Ellen! Lucky was fascinated with the flowers. And we couldn’t hear Terry’s raspberries, but we could see them!:smile:
Jamie’s display turning into calm, quiet fascination reminds me of a neighbor we had in the DR. She was a relative of the people next door, sent to stay with them, because down there, your family is your safety net. Not sure what her issue was, but she would talk to herself at 90mph, and it always sounded harsh. My days often began with the smell of their charcoal fire in the yard and Doña Tata winding up. But everyone said that when she got absolutely beside herself, the trick was to show her a baby doll. Whenever she saw a baby doll, she would immediately go silent and just be fascinated with it. Watching Jamie in this video reminded me of that. :slight_smile:
Linda C says
And I always wonder if Cy ever becomes attached to certain images the way Jamie does to certain books, to the point where he doesn’t want you to throw them away
mo says
I’m always struck by how closely they bring books or other items to their face. Clearly, they have vision enough to live. But what kind of vision do they have that causes them to look so closely? And is it an issue of vision or merely deep interest?
Nancy Duryea says
I admire Honey B’s attention to getting her nest just perfect, how could you have a peaceful sleep otherwise? Well done Honey!! ?
Anne Gardner says
The boots are approved, well they ARE very snazzy and Jamie definitely has designs on them. Love little Terry blowing raspberries in the background!
Kathleen says
Ahhhh, the comfort of daily routines. And I’m seeing a common thread here. Six Degrees of Separation from Jamie!
Cy and Jamie both love to settle down with favorite reading material. I should have guessed that Cy is student of plant taxonomy. Perhaps next year he can assist in suggesting some edible flowering plants to add around the vegetable garden?
Sweet Lucky is a boot aficionado!! And she has very good taste. Does she like cowboy boots, too? And Terry just might be a boot man. He gave your new boots a nonstop raspberry salute!
Honey B often reminds me of Jamie. Here Honey B incorporates her sheets into the mesh with a little touch of looping but not quite the perfect tied knot Jamie has mastered. Not yet, or not this time. And could it be that HB likes that cubby for more than the obvious cozy enclosed space that it is? I see now that she has a big peep hole right next to her so she can keep watch below! What a crack up. What a clever gal!
Wow, Jamie looks so big when she displays. Beautiful. And someone asked “Are you Okay, Jamie?” Heck yes! New Boots on the Runway!!! And those boot are display worthy. Now the big question is….. Will Jamie be able to finagle those new boots away from you, Ellen?
Here’s to business as usual as we all get ready for the arrival of the new year.
Linda C says
IIRC, she has tied knots before…. more than once I have thought, “If we put her in Jamie together, they would probably organize a breakout.”
Eli says
Jamie’s style of display hasn’t changed a bit! Glad to see her displays haven’t lost their cool factor! Of course, she’s only got eyes for the new footwear. Sweet Lucky might not be one for bombastic drumming displays, but she definitely is a lady who also appreciates a nice pair of new boots. I kned Terry would come by for a look, too!
So… Did Honey B wear the bucket hat she was admiring? :joy: