Primate chow always tastes best after a long walk.
The chimps in Jamie’s group often take a stroll around Young’s Hill just after lunch. Many will take their chow bags—paper lunch bags filled with primate biscuits that are given out after their fruits, veggies, and nuts—and eat them outside. But Jamie saves hers until she returns to the chimp house. Getting to enjoy your food at the time of your choosing without fear of someone stealing it from you is one of the perks of being the boss.
Cindee says
I’ve noticed that some of the chimps, with Jamie bringing this back to mind today, eat their food in a more human way, with their mouths closed or mostly so. Others eat like the less couth of our brethren. I think it shows just how much we really have in common.
Linda C says
Almost everyone was out and about today!
I see Burrito is still having fun faking you out on the walks!
ok, I had 2 questions when I first saw the video, but only remember one now– have any of you guys ever tasted that chow, or the dust?
J.B. says
The Zoopreem we use is pretty mealy. I don’t know why the chimps like it so much. Some other brands are so oily that it saturates the paper bags, like a bag of french fries.
Diane Kastel says
Diane Kastel says
J.B. says
Chimps get in minor fights quite often. On Thursday they got into it a bit so I believe it was from that. Once they get a cut or scrape they continue to groom it (or others groom it for them) so it doesn’t fade very quickly.
Gaynell says
What a lovely blue sky day for an afternoon stroll with snacks. The sounds of chewing and lip smacking at the end were a bonus.
Kathleen says
Looks are deceiving. It appeared to be a beautiful sunny warm day until you pointed out that Annie was going off side to nibble some frost! Burrrr. Still, Young’s Hill looks beautiful!
Jamie. Crunching her chow. Close up! So wonderful. I just love her so.
Paulette Wrisley says
I find it so interesting how often Annie walks upright. More so than any other that I’ve seen. I also find it rather mind blowing that they walk on their fingers. It’s painful to watch! I don’t know of any other animal that does that. It’s not like their feet. They’re using their fingers! Only Gorillas bonobos and chimpanzees do that, that I can think of.
Eli says
Bipedal Annie bird is just the best! She’s just got the most distinctive bipedal walk, it’s so endearing! Of course, Missy the runner takes off running and I could identify Jamie’s distinctive strut from a mile away. She just oozes cool!