1) Negra is the oldest chimpanzee living at the sanctuary. She was born in 1973 but we aren’t sure of her actual birthday because she was captured in the wild as an infant.
2) Negra’s favorite activities include sleeping in a massive pile of blankets and watching her caregivers dance for her. Today I practiced some pirouettes in front of her and she encouraged me to keep going by nodding and gesturing from her nest.
3) Despite her curvy figure, she actually can be quite picky with what she likes to eat. She loves lettuce, peanut butter and primate chow above most everything else.
4. Negra is a chimpanzee that sticks to her routine but can still surprise us from time to time. There’s nothing quite like watching Negra decide to head up to the top of Young’s Hill in search of edible plants.
5. Negra is an independent and highly respected member of her group. She has rightfully earned her title of “Queen” at CSNW.
nancy says
i couldn’t leave beautiful negra hanging. a beautiful girl in a dissppointing world. i am sn RN & i remember the hep b work on the vaccines in the 90’s – it breaks my heart the way she was stolen from her mother as sn infant & the cruel treatment she received. the nih, who & cdc should be ashamed. god bless all the beautiful chimps who have been mistreated in many ways & god bless all god’s creatures
Tobin says
Fact # 6: If you are having a lousy day, go to YouTube and type in “Good morning, Neggie!”. Fact # 6.1: Neggie is too cute for words!
Linda C says
That one is indeed a very short and sweet video, Tobin
Eli says
Neggie!!! ?
I love everything about CSNW’s delightful queen.
Tobin says
Fact #7: On April 15 of this year, Negra was the subject of a documentary that was narrated by David Attenborough. It turns out Her Majesty is not only a pan Troglodyte but a certified pan Hibernata, too.
Kathleen says
Oh Anna, I was so hoping you were going to include a video of you pleasing Negra while doing your pirouettes! It’s magnificent that Negra now lives like a Queen in your care. She’s so deserving of every single joyful and comforting moment.
Linda C says
Speaking of forage high up on the hill, Anna, we didn’t hear much about prickly lettuce this year. Did she manage to get some this summer?
Tobin says
I totally agree with Eli and Linda. I’ve been giving it some thought (two, possibly three, second’s worth) and although I am older than Neggie, I wonder if she would be willing to be my honorary grandmother? She certainly has the qualifications: she’s grand, she’s matronly, and she possesses the perfect balance of crankiness and levity. I hope that she will consider my offer.
Elizabeth says
I’m happy to say beautiful Queen Negra is a fellow Gen Xer!