Today JB has been working with a crew of people to make improvement’s to Young’s Hill, including finishing the new structures, planting more trees and adding irrigation. You would think this would make for a very stir crazy group of chimpanzee’s but they all managed to take it in stride and have a relatively quiet day together. It helps that they had a lot of activities and enrichment to keep them busy including juice pools, TV time and, of course, supervising Jake when he was left alone to mow on Young’s Hill. Join Jamie & Co for a day in the Chimp House in today’s blog video!
Loved the video. Absolutely everyone appeared busy or engaged in activities they enjoyed! Loved Annie’s Kung Fu move on the howdy door! Go Annie. Trying to spy on the neighbors could be a full time pastime for everyone. What more do you need? A peanut butter tube and a ruckus at the neighbors. Life is good!
And seeing Negra fluffing up her nest made my day. Isn’t it amazing that after 16 years Negra’s favorite pastime is still being comfortable, warm, and peaceful in her nest?! Think of how significant that is to her that after all these years she still chooses the comfort of her nest over most everything else. (Thank you for giving her that indescribable feeling of security and home.)
Sending a big thank you to J.B. and crew for working so hard to improve Jamie and Co.’s surroundings. On a Saturday no less.
I love seeing everyone happy and enjoying their day. Bubba standing on his barrel to get a better look at the neighbors is just the cutest thing! Even sweet little Annie is interested in the neighbor drama.
Can’t wait to see what the new structures are!
Young’s Hill might be off limits at the moment but that didn’t stop the fun and creativity indoors. I loved seeing Annie checking out everything (and everyone!) out and seeing exuberant Burrito on his barrel missing nothing. Looking forward to seeing the extension to Young’s Hill & thankyou JB & crew for all that hard physical work up there.
They certainly all did seem to have plenty to occupy them. When I saw the tube I thought it was going to be a pea shooter for my girl Honey B!
Keep up the good work on the field, guys! Any news about the bovine buddies?
That was just sweet and wonderful. Thank youThat was just sweet and wonderful. Thank you