The thing about Honey B is that she is amazing. Honey B is funny, she is quirky, fierce, mischievous, very opinionated, and not afraid to show you how she feels. My favorite part about Honey B is her humor. She’s never afraid to be herself at any point in time whether she is cracking her caregivers up or secretly getting into something she is not suppose to.
While she recovers we are working hard to keep her brilliant mind occupied, but as you have seen in the video or any of the video of Honey B, she has no problem keeping herself busy!
Ohhh! Wait! Before you go. You can now purchase the winning photo of Burrito, “Hey Girl” canvas, on merchandise website!
That eye is still looking pretty bad, which I guess comes from her pulling her stitches out. I noticed at one point that she had access to at least two rooms. How much space does she have during her recovery?
The descriptions of Honey B you gave is why I love her so. I hope she has learned to stop picking at the stitches so her wound can heal and she can get back with the gang. Thank you for taking such good care of her.
Little Miss Fierce Sweet as Honey B is truly a one of a kind chimp person!!
The best rehab facility I have ever seen! Honey B is surrounded by her favorite things. The clip with all her stuffed animals encircling her nest is the best. I don’t believe I have ever seen Honey slurping and sucking the flavored juice out of her snow cone like that before!! She’s so funny.
Her eyelid looks like it has a way to go before it’s healed. That was some injury and in such a delicate place. I’m thinking of her and hoping she’s as good as new very soon.
Thank you for the sweet
Honey B recovery video today.
I’m excited to get my Burrito art, its going to make a great Valentines day present?
I had not seen the close up of the eye wound until this video. I see why you had to intervene. Well done CSNW team for taking good care of her. She looks happy.
I never tire of watching Honey B do things. I love this sweet, quirky lady!
Also, ouch! That cut below her eye definitely looks painful. Leave the stitches be, HB!
My goodness, that eye injury was close! I see why the recovery is taking a minute….I’m going to keep in mind what you said in the video, that the clips were all mixed up timewise…. So glad she didn’t lose that eye, she needs her peripheral vision when riding her scooter out in traffic! So fierce that she wants to get in the mix through the glass! 🙂 Love Dora’s food peering through windows!