Cheney Cherry sponsored this really touching day of sanctuary in memory of a clearly beloved pup, Maxx.
“I’d like to dedicate this day to my dog Maxx. He passed last year and he loved watching the videos of the chimps with me. If the chimps hooted, he’d bark and put his paw on the computer screen. When the chimps moved, he’d look behind the computer. I think he thought they were going to come out of there…LOL…I think of Maxx alot when I watch the CSN videos of the chimps, especially my favorite PAL, Burrito. Thank you CSN for all you do for the chimps. Your care and service is A+”
Cheney, we’re so sorry for the loss of your beloved friend and family member, Maxx. He seems to have been a particularly endearing guy. Thank you so much for choosing to give the chimpanzees a day of sanctuary in his honor – this is the sweetest story and I can’t help but smile thinking of Burrito’s current complete and utter fascination with our videos as well, particularly of his neighbors! Kindred spirits, he and Maxx! 🙂 And thank you for being Burrito’s Pal!
Watching the nextdoor neighbors…
What a sweet story! Maxx sounds like a wonderful dog and I’m sure your heart aches with his loss. Burrito looks wistful in a couple of these photos- he really does have an expressive face, and uses it to show his heart.
Maxx, at the Rainbow Bridge, thanking you for this great tribute! Cheney, thank you for sharing his spirit with us today, and what an honor for Maxx!!!
I loved reading this story about sweet Maxx, watching the videos of the Chimps with his beloved Cheney. Thank you, Cheney, for both sharing his story and for sponsoring a day of sanctuary in his honor. What a beautiful way to remember Maxx.
I’m really sorry for your loss, Cheney.
What a precious remembrance! Thank you for sharing that sweet story. Friends like Max are one of a kind, their silly antics and endearing personalities never leave us. Max and Burrito, two very curious fellows!
What a wonderful way to celebrate your special boy Maxx:revolving_hearts:
Thank you, Cheney, for sharing your friendship of Burrito and his entourage and neighbors with your beloved Maxx. Three mammals, different species, enjoying each other’s company…