So accustomed are we to getting to celebrate at least one of the chimpanzees’ or bovines’ birthdays each month, I had to keep checking the calendar to make certain that I wasn’t missing anyone’s! While we may not have any sanctuary residents with December birthdays, we know we have sanctuary supporters with December birthdays and hope you know we are always celebrating you, birthday or not!
Of course, December is a month full of celebration for many. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the winter solstice, just to name a few. And in truth, it’s also a month full of a range of mixed feelings for many, if not most, of us in one way or another. But part of the beauty of sanctuary and what you make possible here remains as clear and steady as the stars in the cold winter sky. The fifteen amazing chimpanzees and four bovines who call the sanctuary home and who, because of you, we get the profound gift of loving with our whole hearts, sharing their lives with you and providing them each with the best life we possibly can.
No matter what December holds for you, we’re wishing you a magical winter season ahead. There’s so much beauty in the world. Even, sometimes especially, within the dark. May it be filled with countless moments of beauty, wonder and awe. Just as you’ve made possible here. We are just so grateful for you.
Sweet Lucky:
We had our first snow today so you may know what that means…the never-ending demand for snow snacks! (Burrito):
Icicles (Missy and Jamie):
Willy B:
and her giant baby boy, Nutmeg:
Barn Kitty snoozing:
Jody’s enchanted face during this particular Christmas past will always make my heart swell: