Stay awhile! If you do, you might experience some beautiful, sweet, and/or relaxing moments.
I have noticed that the best moments of my day are when I spend time with the chimps and not rush to move on to my next responsibility. You may be thinking that I am stating the obvious, but our chimp house is BUSY and there is always a to-do list item waiting to be checked off. Sitting down and taking in your surroundings with Negra (like in the video) does not happen nearly as much as it should. Whether it be gazing into their eyes (like you will see with Cy in the video above), quietly watching them eat, witnessing an amazing play session, grooming together, or just spending time together separately, taking the time to be intentional with the chimps is so important. When I have stuck around, it almost always leaves me in a better mindset than I was going in. I’ll never regret those moments either. Enjoy today’s video of when I “stuck around”…
Photos from The Bray today!
Gordo and Rayne – A Series:
BONUS! Yesterday, many trees got planted on The Bray. Keep in eye out for them in future pictures! Shout out to all the staff who aren’t pictured that put in work (cough Chad cough Grace)!
Linda C says
Thank you, Jenna (psst! Did you forget Anna?:slight_smile:)
I don’t know why, but earlier today I found myself wondering what happens after you guys do a forage. Do you get to take a few moments to watch them enjoy what you guys spent time setting up? or do you have to run off to the next thing?
tomaustin says
Maureen says
Cy is so handsome! And it’s great to see a few sets of chimpanzee feet on grass.
Was wondering what Negra was thinking.
I’m always amazed, not just today, by what physically hard work you all do there. You’re all simply the best (sorry, you all others probably have some similar lyrics running through your head). So, again, thank you!
Nancy Duryea says
Talk about multitasking, meal preperation, enrichment prep, cleaning, laundry, plus many other tasks and now TREE PLANTING!! STAY AWHILE (my favorite Dusty Springfield song…I’m showing my age). I would love to be able to sit and talk to these magnificent chimpanzees. I don’t think I would get a reply but how special just to be in their presence. I will be watching future blogs to see the progress of the newly planted trees. Thanks Jenna!
Marie says
You could sing her hit “I only want to be with You” …..while you sit with the chimps:grin:
Marie says
Wow…. some dark clouds coming through:umbrella:….. Perfect …..A good rain is always a Great Booster for the roots after planting….soooo nice to see Neggie more:rose:Our Sweet Little Ol Lady:kissing_smiling_eyes:…Remember…….She deserves all her Favorites on that” Big Day”:heartpulse::watermelon::tomato::cucumber::broccoli::coconut:
Marie says
:peanuts::peanuts::peanuts::peanuts::chestnut::chestnut::chestnut::peanuts::peanuts::peanuts::chestnut: oooops..through some nuts in the mix:grin:
Linda C says
Yep! Favs are peanuts, lettuce, and rolls. And usually, waffles for her birthday, that Patti makes.
But this year is special! There will be cake! :cake:
Marie says
What are the chances …I had three waffles tonight….. to bad they can’t have a SLAB of BUTTER on that:tired_face:
Linda C says
they drizzle peanut butter on them for them
Kathleen says
Great video! Personal one-on-one moments must be the highlight of your day and it appears you share many throughout your day. Annie! Negra! I think Cy was speaking to you through his eyes and head movements. And I would happily watch Jamie being Jamie all day long.
Lucky you to have intimate, unique relationships with each chimp person. Must make all the hard work worth it. Like planting trees….seriously, you guys are amazing. I am already excited to see all those growing, the chimps will love them!
Susan Kathleen Feeley says
Gorgeous photos of the chimps – and humans-on the Bray and my word you are amazing and can turn your hand to anything! All your hard physical labour with thr trees will pay off.
You mentioned the late great singer Dusty Springfield with her fabulous song ” Stay Awhile”. Did you know that many years ago Dusty did volunteer work at the Wildlife Waystation? She said that it put things into perspective when you got down to the basics cleaing out the Chimpanzee enclosure! No airs or graces ;she was one of the gang. A wise foxy lady.
Kathleen says
Great story about Dusty Springfield! Thank you so very much for sharing that.
Susan Kathleen Feeley says
You’re very welcome. Dusty also adored cats!