Burrito has been taking advantage of every opportunity to have caregivers or volunteers go on walks/runs around Young’s Hill with him. Some things just never change, and we love it. With the new expansion, the hill includes a bigger perimeter and steeper incline, so forgive us caregivers if you hear us heavy breathing on videos as we try to keep up with our very fast friends. While on this walk with Burrito, we reached the far left corner, where the woods are, and he immediately stood up bipedally and was looking past me. When I turned around, I noticed he had spotted his best friend! Chad was nearby doing cattle care and spotted his friend spying on him and came over. After a while Burrito was ready to continue our walk.
Catch a glimpse of the outdoor enclosure, The Bray, that the group of nine chimpanzees will have access to in no time!
Marya says
What fun, Sofia! I would be a lot more out of breath than you sounded trying to keep up with him! And I wonder if Jamie is also on patrol — and will she be able to run alongside the gator in the new configuration? Looking forward to seeing how the other group takes to their outdoor space given their many years of feet never touching grass or climbing trees or feeling the wind beneath their wings! A whole new world will be opening up for them, one I’m very grateful to be a part of as they explore.
Linda C says
Hi, Sofía!
We can’t all be Chad! :slight_smile:
Luckily for you guys, he’s slower on the downhill. It must be wonderful, when the weather is good, that this breaks up your work day, even if it means getting your cardio in!
tomaustin says
I really like the inclusion of the stand of trees….a great gathering area…….:relieved:
Kathleen says
Only Burrito could spot Chad from afar! Amazing how Mr. B keeps an eye out on his dear friend. I think Burrito thinks he’s the caregiver.
Like Marya, I have been curious if Jamie can still race the gator around Young’s Hill 2.0. That gate looks like a slight deterrent to the speed protocols Jamie sets. On the other hand, while you stop to open the gate it gives Jamie time to rev up and ready up so she can leap into action and race to the finish.
Linda C says
Yes, Marya’s point is important! The downhill is where gator racing is won!