Most of us grew up having a nickname or two. Here at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest, we have quite a few nicknames for the chimps! We have shared their nicknames over the years, but with new chimps comes new names! I have gathered what I think are most of the nicknames from staff that we call the chimps. Some names are cute while others are silly, I know I am missing a few, but here they are!
Terry: Terrance, Sir Terrance, Tare Bear, T, Terry the Tongue, Teeny Tiny Terry (it’s funny because he is not tiny, but is a gentle giant)
Honey B: Little Bean, Bean, Chickpea, Chicky, Chickabee, Honey Badger, B, BB, HB, Beezus.
Gordo: Gordy, Gordito, G, Gordis, Flash Gordo
Lucky: Luck, Lucky Loo, Lady Lucky Love
Willy B: William, Sir William, WB, William Bones, Willard
Cy: Cy Guy, Sir Cy, CyCy, Cyrus, Sir
Dora: Dorie, Kanzi (the bonobo, she looks a lot like Kanzi!)
Mave: Mavie, Mavis, Mavereen, Mavie Baby
Burrito: Bubba, Bubs, Bubbie, Bubbert, Bubbalicious, Bub a lub a dub dub, Mr. B
Jamie: The Boss, Friend, James, J, Lady
Jody: Jo, Joji, JoJo, Farmer Jo
Negra: The Queen, Queen Negra, Neggie, Negalina, Eggy, Myyy Neggie
Foxie: Tiny, Fox, Fox, Eens (as in eensy), Fox-a-licious
Missy: Little Miss, Miss, Miss-Miss, Missidy
Annie: Miss Annie, Annie-bo-bannie, Annie Bird, Sweet Lady
Wow! We raised $46,035 in yesterday’s Giving Day for Apes! We are so grateful to all of our amazing donors!
If you are wondering about other ways to help support the sanctuary, check out our Amazon Wish List! Jamie’s birthday boots are still on the list!
Melissa Marcus says
The chimps are all so adorable and wonderful! I love their different names!!
CeeCee says
This was a fun, informative blog post ! Thank you for all the nickname info. and such great pictures.
I was hearing the name game song in my head as I read all of these.
Ba-na-na fanna fo-fanny
Amy Goldshine says
I love all of the nicknames everyone has. It’s funny. Yesterday I passed a Willoughby Street. It jarred loose a memory that I used to call my lhasa apso Will, Mr. Willoughby sometimes. The names we can come up with! What was Gordo looking at in his photo? His eyes seem focused on more than his feet. :joy:
Julie Medrano says
The photography is absolutely fantastic!
Great job!!
Kathleen says
This is so funny. Thanks Kelsi!
Mave+Dora=Mora!! That might be my favorite. Same goes for Bubbalicious, Bub a lub a dub dub for Burrito. Oh. and William Bones too! William Bones?! There must be a story behind this one. This was very funny and enlightening. Plus, the photos are fabulous too.
Tobin says
I agree with Kathleen and Julie:. the photographs of each chimpanzee illuminates their both their beauty as well as their endearing beings. I appreciate learning some new nicknames for Foxilina, the Raynebow Lady, and Psy Cy the Magazine Guy.
Oh, and if that isn’t enough, my human Chimpanzee Pal (she’s a pal to Maeve) and I are known to embellish stories about a inhabited mostly (if not entirely) by the likes of “Mrs. Mave Middlesworth”. She is very involved in community affairs, and is known for her promotion of grooming.
marianne says
And I do hope Tobin, that Ms. Mave Middlesworth is the greatest hugger of all time??!!
Tobin says
Of course! When the Venerable Mrs. Middlesworth makes her daily rounds through the chimpanzee village (it is surrounded by Farmer Jody’s produce gardens, up the road from Professor Jamie’s Human Sanctuary Northwest), she greets her neighbors with a hug.
Betsy says
I can never stop thinking of Dora as Adorable. That’s what I call her in my mind.
I live with 2 former street cats named Sherman and Hyacinth. When I come home from work, I say “Hi Sherm, Hi Hy!” Now Hyacinth thinks her name is “HiHy.”
I never liked my nickname “Betsy” until I met Betsy the Bovine, and became her buddy. Now I tell people I sponser a cow named Betsy who lives at a chimpanzee sanctuary, and they are very confused. I just let them wonder.
Many thanks to Monica and Donna for the matching grants yesterday!
Jeani Goodrich says
Kelsi thank you for this blog. I especially loved the picture of Foxie who looks like she took over Neggie’s nest. I.also like Lady Luck. It’s a great song.