Things have been a bit busy here in the chimp house lately, to say the least. Between the integration of the 9 (we are still cautiously optimistic!), Negra’s procedure, and then Jamie’s procedure, things have not slowed down. To keep everyone on our team up to date, we have team meetings where we discuss recent events and new ideas for improving how we do things. These discussions are often full of new and exciting ideas. A few weeks ago, though, someone brought up a subject that is (apparently) near and dear to my heart – our good ole’ greenhouse basket.
To be candid, I didn’t even know myself until that meeting how strongly I felt about the greenhouse basket. It is a tale as old as time – once upon the early days of the chimp house, some staff members decided that we needed to have a basket dedicated to the greenhouse since it is it’s own indoor/outdoor space. Thus emerged the basket you see below – the only one in our whole collection that is this specific, somewhat odd, shape.
The greenhouse basket (on top), in all it’s glory – filled with enrichment and ready for the day.
Since it is shaped different from our other baskets, it always has a bit of a tilt when we stack it on the other enrichment baskets. It has often been accidentally knocked over, and has been the point of frustration for many a caregiver trying to get to one of the bottom baskets. Maybe, then, we should change it out for one that fits with the others and makes our busy days a tiny bit easier?
Enter my *emphatic* no. I surprised myself with how vehemently I was against changing out the greenhouse basket, even though it makes sense to change it. As we talked about it, though, I realized the reason I want it to remain is because it is one of those comforting, consistent little things. A little thing that remains despite all the change around- after all, it has been the greenhouse basket long before I was an intern here and is still in active duty now. Despite all the changes of the world around, it stayed the same. And there is something inherently comforting about that.
Walking into the chimp house kitchen every morning to see the stack of enrichment baskets for the day, we know that there will be the leaning tower of the greenhouse basket – just one nudge away from toppling over. I’m sure there are other little things throughout the chimp house that are similar- small things or ways we do a task that has stayed the same despite everything happening around it. And change is great – it has allowed Cy’s group to have more access to social partners than they did before. But, maybe, it’s ok for some small things to remain consistent.
Aside from thinking about change, it has also been a lovely day here with the chimps. Jamie and Negra are both healing very well and we are continuing to monitor Cy’s group!
Cy, enjoying the warmth of the day in the Riverview Greenhouse.
Rayne also choosing to take in the day outside in the Riverview Greenhouse.
Jamie, from a few days ago, watching her caregivers from one of the Front Rooms. She is still healing and doing great!
Meredith lovin’ the summer pasture.
James says
Paulette says
I’m curious, what is the relationship between Mave and Cy? Do they interact? Do they play? Do they groom? Or not
And Honey B and Cy?
ugh, I hate change! I still use AOL for heavens sake! :joy:and my nightshirt is holy, literally has holes:see_no_evil:
Nancy Duryea says
I have stayed with AOL also, too much trouble to change.
Kathleen says
Hi Grace, your story today is a cliffhanger. You’ll need to fill us in with a sequel — did you choose to keep the unique basket or did you create a new system? There is comfort in routine and, in the odd baskets defense, I like the way that particular basket stands out, no question where the enrichment needs to go. 🙂
Thanks for great photos. Especially the full shot of Jamie. Seeing the intensity in her eyes, that beautiful Jamie spark, puts my mind at ease. That fistula was no match for our Jamie.
Marcie says
Funny, it’s the little things in life that bring us comfort. If you don’t believe that just notice how the animals react when their routine is changed. Thanks for the pics and update on Jaime.
Tobin says
You tell ’em, Grace! “U-turn if you want to; the Lady is NOT for turning,” to quote the Iron Lady in the highest of dudgeon. At last, someone on Jamie’s staff of human underlings is fortrightly asserting the prerogatives of Tradition! Or, to paraphrase a slogan painted on the brick, windowless side of a row-house in Belfast, Ireland: “We shall never forsake the blue skies of an oversized enrichment basket for the gray skies of basket size uniformity. Nay Surrender!”
On a lighter note, how edifying it is to see a picture of my Best Bovine Bud, Meredith, luxuriating in the splendor of the grass while yielding a play face. Say hi to her from me.
Ken & Gracie the beagle says
very well said, Grace.
yes, change is good and can be needed at times. but when it works and makes a person feel good, leave it alone.
staythe course, life is good, appreciate everyone at csnw!