As we have discussed many times, Cy is an avid reader. With some kind donations of Shutterfly gift-cards we finally made Cy his book! The pages were filled with Mave’s group, Jamie’s group, the cattle, and of course lots of spreads of Willy B. Cy is constantly flipping through magazines and we have never seen him so startled that he jumps, but when he saw the pictures of the cattle he jumped out of his skin! The first time he even made me jump! Eventually, Rayne took care of it for him and ripped the book up. She is a true friend! Since Cy’s new book didn’t work out, we are running dangerously low on magazines. Cy has been dying to get his hands on some People magazines! If anyone has clean magazines they could spare, we (Cy) would greatly appreciate it!
Jeff says
i was kinda surprized Cy jumped at the cow page in the book how was interaction with the cows from the window or outside?
Kelsi says
Us too! From the windows and Green Houses they very seem to mind. It was a very interesting reaction!
Linda C says
That was worse than when Jamie saw the snake
Krissy says
that’s exactly what I thought!
Kim Harris says
OMG, I got a good laugh from his jump! I sure adore Cy.
Marie n says
Well…. not quite People’s magazine….. but two books just received at your p.o. box on the 10th and 11th about gorillas so …. safe pictures:grinning:so Enjoy Cy:herb:
Mary Garripoli says
When I was a special education teacher, we used to make personal story books for our little students. They learned so much about themselves and their friends and families. Your book for Cy was wonderful and inspired! Too bad it got ripped up. But if you laminate the pages, it’s harder to destroy and we found that it lasted a lot longer.
Best of luck. Great work!
marianne says
You might be underestimating the power chimpanzees have to rip up things …….
Linda C says
They couldn’t tear eliminated pages. They could tear them out of the book, but they can’t tear the laminates
tom austin says
they cannot see the cattle area and hillside from their side of the building…?
Anamaria Hildebrand says
I have animal mags only. If cats (big and small), birds (Audubon Soc) and some people scattered here and there within are acceptable, I’d love to send them up there. I have a nice little stack.
Randy hall says
in the last few years i have fallen in love with primate’s. I served in iraq and have been diagnosed with severe ptsd . for some reason watching them on YouTube calms me and I want to help all the endangered primates i can. p.s. i have lots of National Geographic magazines would those be ok for Cy?
Laurie Mowat says
Thank you so much for your service. I’ m not sure if you would be interested in this but it’s very relaxing to watch. There is a you tube channel called Brownsville Food Pantry for Deer. It runs 24 hours and is shown until early spring. There are many angles to watch from but I like the “Trough View” the best.
Linda C says
Thank you. I bet they would love them!
Judy says
Are the pictures Cy usually sees in magazines smaller? Could the size have been part of his startle reaction. it is such a distinct reaction both times i saw it. Very interesting.
Paulette says
I think so Judy. I barely saw the picture but I think it was really close up so maybe that’s what got to Cy. I think if he saw a full picture of them, like what he sees through the window, he wouldn’t have reacted that way. But he suddenly had these huge eyes looking at him in that close-up picture.
Kelsi, I’m so glad you got that on video! I’m glad we got to witness it. Super funny but sad that his book got ripped up, darn it.
Laurie Mowat says
Jamie might have liked it.
Laurie Mowat says
That makes a lot of sense. He didn’t seem scared, just surprised. It didn’t seem to make him lose any interest in the book.
Laurie Mowat says
Judy, that was about your idea. I didn’t hit the reply.
Laurie Mowat says
Sorry Judy, my comment was about your comment. I didn’t hit reply. Oops!
Laurie Mowat says
I didn’t think that went through and now I’m stuck in a loop. Send help.
Paulette says
but he continued to alarm call while he was looking at it, which is why Rayne Came to the rescue. Funny he would keep reading an alarm calling at the same time
Linda C says
Yes! Notice that even though he was startled by the image more than once, he kept going back to look for it!
Tobin says
Poor Cy. I can relate: I can often have the same reaction when I look in the mirror…
Perhaps his distress is a particular affliction of the well-read. I remember reading a New Yorker profile of the literary scholar Harold Bloom (1930-2019) wherein, en route from his native Bronx to Upstate New York to attend college for the first time, he looked out the bus window at the passing bucolic scene and cast his eyes upon cattle grazing in a meadow. “What is that?!.” he exclaimed in fright at the novel sight. Given Cy’s apparent bovinophobic reaction, perhaps perhaps books featuring scenes of rural Wisconsin — let alone collections of “Far Side” comics — are best donated for someone else’s benefit.
Paulette says
Me too Tobin! LOL
Kathleen says
“Poor Cy. I can relate: I can often have the same reaction when I look in the mirror…”
Very funny Tobin. Cracked me up because it’s so true, especially during these days of pandemic life!
marianne says
Well, let’s be honest….I think I saw Nutmeg on that page and he does have a huge head……
Dear Cy, scary but interesting at the same time.
And bless Rayne for protecting Cy from having any nightmares about big cow’s heads chasing him…
Kathleen says
Oh no! Poor Cy. Maybe he jumped (twice!!) because he was overcome by how handsome Nutmeg is? Thank goodness Rayne took care of the problem, we may not understand what caused Cy’s response but his dear friend got the message loud and clear.
I would love to buy a new Shutterfly book(s) for Cy…..but could this one leave out the cows? 🙂