Boss Jamie is not generally light-hearted. She runs a tight ship and she takes her job seriously. It’s rare to catch her playing with anyone, but when we do, it’s almost always with Foxie, and it’s almost always the same game.
Jamie knows that a surefire way to get Foxie’s attention is to swipe one of her beloved dolls, because Foxie will inevitably join Jamie’s game of keepaway.
Jamie (left, plotting) and Foxie (right, oblivious):
The theft is complete and Jamie makes her getaway.
All the way down to the ground…
Foxie follows, as Jamie knew she would.
Everybody get pilots! ?
Seeing as how Jamie instigates this game/play so often, I think it’s worth revisiting her image as a stern taskmaster!
Lol, that was “Everybody get pilo!” Stupid autocorrect on my phone!
Fantastic… great springtime games.. or anytime!!!
Looks like fun to me! With all that reading Jamie has been up to it’s nice to see her taking some time to play around with her pal Foxie.