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Lovely Jody,
She looks so happy 🙂
June Irelandsays
Such satisfied crunching!!! Yum!
She looks like a queen. But best of all, Jody is treated like a queen, as well she should be!
I love her eyes going back and forth between contemplating that broccoli, and looking at the silly hoomans who act like they’ve never seen a chimp eat before!
I thought maybe she kept looking at the broccoli because she’d leave that woody stem for wadging after the florets were gone, but she downed it and went for another!
People used to tease me when I was younger because I’d do everything stretched out on the living room floor: draw, homework, etc. But I never quite mastered eating a meal that way! Good on ya, Jo!
I love this video, and the look of delight on my dear Jody’s face. I wish that I could crunch along with a stem of broccoli
while watching Jody feast in recline. She makes such a charming dining companion.
Elaine Reiningersays
What a great video. Such contentment. Also great view of her back foot which we seldom get to see.
Hi Linda! Jody’s had bad toe luck. She lost part of a couple of toes from an accident with a door in the lab, and she lost part of another toe during a fight here at the sanctuary. Luckily, it doesn’t seem to phase her at all. 🙂
Lovely Jody,
She looks so happy 🙂
Such satisfied crunching!!! Yum!
She looks like a queen. But best of all, Jody is treated like a queen, as well she should be!
I love her eyes going back and forth between contemplating that broccoli, and looking at the silly hoomans who act like they’ve never seen a chimp eat before!
I thought maybe she kept looking at the broccoli because she’d leave that woody stem for wadging after the florets were gone, but she downed it and went for another!
People used to tease me when I was younger because I’d do everything stretched out on the living room floor: draw, homework, etc. But I never quite mastered eating a meal that way! Good on ya, Jo!
I love this video, and the look of delight on my dear Jody’s face. I wish that I could crunch along with a stem of broccoli
while watching Jody feast in recline. She makes such a charming dining companion.
What a great video. Such contentment. Also great view of her back foot which we seldom get to see.
Speaking of that foot, is Jo missing a toe?
Hi Linda! Jody’s had bad toe luck. She lost part of a couple of toes from an accident with a door in the lab, and she lost part of another toe during a fight here at the sanctuary. Luckily, it doesn’t seem to phase her at all. 🙂
She is so gorgeous. Broccoli in Bed! Yes.