The Cle Elum Seven seem to value Young’s Hill, their two-acre outdoor habitat, as much for the potential it offers as they do for the space it offers. They certainly make use of the space in a variety of ways:
But they also seem to enjoy pausing in the doorway leading out and considering the possibilities.
Though I’m not as gorgeous as the Seven, I take those same three poses when I go out to my garden, or into my art room! What shall I take on today…hmmm…OH! Yeah!
While Annie and Jo’s faces show that they’re lost in thought or consideration of the possibilities, there’s nothing but “Oh, yeah!” joy on Missy’s face! I know some of these are recycled, but that top photo of Annie and Missy on top of the platform makes it look like they’re on top of the world! Like there’s nothing left but the sky! Great photo!
What a wonderful post. You are right Elizabeth, Young’s Hill is more than this beautiful expanse for adventure, activity and foraging. It’s a Field of Dreams, right?! We can only imagine what goes through those incredible minds as they look out over their backyard. Great photos, I love the sunlight streaking across Annie, Jody and Missy on the last photos. And check out that new straw on the floor behind them too! ; )