Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean that the chimpanzees don’t still have a job to do. Scanning for intruders, checking the perimeter, the chimps’ work is never done. After everyone settled down from breakfast this morning they headed out for a group walk around the perimeter.
Jody was first out of the raceway, vigilantly scanning Young’s Hill before everyone else to see what happened overnight:
Then boss lady, Jamie, and her trusty backup chimp gal, Missy, headed out to check the perimeter:
Foxie and Burrito headed up after them and Burrito was a gentleman and waited for his good friend, Foxie, to catch up:
Jody brought up the rear, but she marched with such a mission, that I couldn’t capture her in time. Meanwhile Annie chose to watch the procession from the shady hammock:
And perhaps knowing things were being handled, Negra was all about an after breakfast nap:
Annie decided to join everyone as they made their way back to the chimp house and made a quick scan, probably for snakes:
Once the group made it around Young’s Hill, secure in the knowledge there were no current threats or intruders to defend their home turf from, they all filed back into the greenhouse. Burrito is extra fluffy looking here with his hair standing on end (pilo-erect) because he wants to go back into the greenhouse, but in classic Burrito social anxiety, isn’t comfortable walking past the girls to get there. He needed a minute:
Foxie and Strawberry Shortcake brought up the rear:
And here are some bonus Foxie photos as she and Strawberry Shortcake of the Purple Hair cool off in the front rooms: