Foxie is funny when it comes to climbing structures. While the other chimps enjoy shaky bridges, rope nets, and fire hose hammocks, Foxie tries her best not to set foot on anything that isn’t completely solid and firmly attached. One time I watched her rescue a troll doll that was laying in a fire hose hammock by hanging on the ceiling above the hammock and stretching all the way out to grab it with the tips of her toes. She may love her dolls, but she wasn’t about to risk setting foot in a hammock to get to one.
Whenever she tries a new structure, she makes sure to give it a few taps with her doll first, and then she stomps her way across it to assess its integrity. The newest structure on Young’s Hill (built last month) seems to meet her specifications. It’s become one of her go-to spots during her post-breakfast walkabout. I think she may appreciate the view from Young’s Hill more than anyone, and now she has a new, very stable place to enjoy it from.
Kathleen says
I am so happy to hear this new structure may become Foxie’s favorite. We all need favorite places where we feel safe and happy. I know you were thinking about a name for this new structure, perhaps it needs to be named after Foxie!
Jo Lathrop says
And she has that space and freedom and security because of you J. B. and thank you!! Hugs and love to you all……
louise Manson says
Your new multi-level structure seems to be a great hit in various ways with various chimps. It looks like great fun and a great outlook to see the beautiful West Coast scenery.
Sandie Allaway says
I’m with Foxie! Solid beneath my feet. It’s wonderful to watch them all find their happy places.
Tobin says
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Burrito! In the bottom two pictures, he looks like is about to lift out from the runway and take to the skies, a la in a manner not unlike that of the Wicked Witch of the West’s minions (minus the malevolent intent, of course…).