The chimps and I are still in disbelief that it is 42 degrees in January! Jamie and I have been going on nice leisurely walks (Missy did joined us but after a while she would sprint off). Missy has been out all day running everywhere, climbing on all the outdoor structures, and balancing on ropes. Annie and Missy enjoyed sometime together on the Hill playing follow the leader and wrestling in the Playroom. Foxie took her dolls outside and soaked in the warmer weather. Foxie and Jody later went far out on the Hill and explored together. I couldn’t catch Burrito in any photos but he also had been out and about on the Hill and of course played chase in the Green House! And Neggie made some very cozy nests today and laid near the Playroom windows to feel the warm sun shining in.
Missy running on Young’s Hill:
Annie staring out towards the Hill:
Jamie also running on the Hill with Missy:
Donna Oleksiuk says
All are beautiful! Her soul and personality shine through. Amazing photos !! 😀 <3 <3
Jo Lathrop says
Beautiful and thank you so much Kelsi!! U R all AWESOME!!!! Love and hugs to you all….
Jackie says
I love the beautiful faces!
Kathleen says
Sounds like another busy sanctuary day! I enjoyed each photo, especially the close up of freckle face Missy and the second image of Jamie, but they are all delightful.
Pauline says
Great photos