How many chimps are in this picture? Can you name them? Ready… Go!
Bonus photos!
Annie sitting on top of the Twister:
Missy eating snow:
Burrito taking a stroll with the ladies:
Jamie ready for a walk and Missy following behind:
Jody was on a mission (probably to find snow):
Jody and Foxie:
While everyone was outside Negra grabbed a bunch of blankets and took a nap:
Later, Jamie went out and sat on the Twister for a while:
It looks like there are five in the first photo, but they’re too far away for me to name.
Cool post! It’s different. 😊
Thank you Shelly for honoring the memory of your father by giving to the chimps. Love the pictures of the handsome Burrito.
I see three chimps but it looks as if there could be four? Name them?! Are you crazy? All I can guess is Jody standing on the right, looks like her profile? But the others are impossible to see. Power of deduction, center chimp is moving low on all fours with one leg off the ground (meaning speed?!) so maybe it’s Missy as she takes to that position often when zooming around, unless it is as cold as it looks then it could be Jamie running, or even Burrito doing the Burrito Hop! 😠Can’t imagine how you caregivers ID chimps from afar. They always look so very small from afar making it even harder. It becomes a study in body language I guess! I don’t know you do it.
Thanks for the bonus photos, especially Annie high on top of the Twister all by herself. Very impressive. It looks like a cold day, I can see why Negra made the wise decision to stay inside under her cozy, soft blankets.
I think 5 – I think on the left, lower-most there’s 2 chimps there and just above, on the other side of the horizontal board is another. I want to guess the one most right is Burrito but that is just a wild guess. Fun!
There are actually only 3 🙂 I tried to make it hard! Foxie on the left (you can barely see she is holding a doll), Missy in the middle running full sprint, and Jody standing bipedally on the right!
There are actually only 3 🙂 We tried to make it hard! Foxie is on the left (you can barely see she is holding a doll), Missy in the middle running full sprint, and Jody standing bipedally on the right!
this was fun! how about that – providing enrichment for chimps AND chimp fans 😀
Is it the chimps that have stripped the bark off the tree stump?
I just read your answer to “How many chimps” on Facebook. Wow, I never saw Foxie or the troll until you pointed her out. Now it looks so obvious. I was assuming the real Foxie was perhaps firehose or something wrapped around the wooden decking set in shadow. I I was sure there was a chimp above where Foxie is standing! And I did have feeling that the center chimp had to be Missy because her posture is always low and on all fours when running wild but I wouldn’t bet my life on it.
Since you cannot guess incorrectly when you are a caregiver my question to you is, how hard is it for you to recognize the chimps outside and from a distance? Especially on a day like this or when the grass is tall? I know you have to count and locate chimps when closing the door to the outside. If a chimp is not inside at that time it must be quite tricky to find them on the hill.
As if I didn’t respect your skill, education and training already, this silly little guessing game made me realize all the more the key importance of keen observation. Thanks, that was fun and informative!!
Thanks Kathleen! You were very close! You are right, I is very hard to see them from a distance. They don’t make it easy for us! We definitely have to take in body posture, swelling, and sometimes have to wait until they move or get closer when they are that far any. But if all else fails we just get our handy binoculars ;)!