Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by the chimps’ (and humans’!) good friend, Ross Barde, in honor of his wife, Karen, on her birthday! Ross and Karen always have the chimps in their hearts and do so much to help ensure they have the best lives possible here at the sanctuary. Thanks to their generosity of gifting us with a heavy duty washer and dryer when our last pair went kaput, the chimps’ stay cozy in epic nests built with the 70 fresh blankets we give them every day. And as a chimp house volunteer, Ross even helps fold all of those blankets when he’s here!
Ross, thank you so much for including the chimps in such a special day with your family. We are so grateful to you and Karen for all you do to make their lives better.
Karen, all of us here at the sanctuary wish you the happiest birthday yet! We hope your day and your heart are full of all that brings you joy and love. Happy Birthday hoots from the chimps! And here’s Burrito throwing out some of best moves in the charm department:
And not one to be outdone in that area, here’s Foxie:
A big “Happy Birthday” to Karen. I had the pleasure of meeting Russ at the sanctuary last year on my September visit. How lucky the chimps are to have the two of you as dear friends. Have a happy day and I hope you both celebrate in true CSNW style. Hoots to you both! ; )