On any given day, Burrito usually has some sort of enrichment object that he carries around with him. Some days it’s a wooden toy…
Last week, it was a plastic toy bucket….
and a toothbrush…
Today, it’s a white and green scrub brush.
Both Foxie and Jamie have their “thing” (dolls and boots, respectively). Burrito has his toys. And, when he’s feeling playful, he will put the toy in his mouth and bite it. This is often accompanied by a quick nod of his head and a foot stomp directed toward one of his human caregivers. It’s Burrito’s invitation to play a game of chase and it’s pretty hard to resist!
I would LOVE to play “chase” with Mr.B!!!
I was thinking about that a couple of days ago . Seemed like most photos showed him with something in his hand or, more often, in his mouth.
Oh so adorable! The first 2 photos of Burrito with his green and white brush are simply too cute for words. I too would LOVE to play chase with Mr. B.
Mr B is the cutest. I love him!