It’s always great to share a story when one of the chimpanzees does something that we have not seen before. What is even better, is when we capture pictures or video footage of it!
This morning, we spread fruit (apples and peaches) throughout Young’s Hill, as part of the chimps’ breakfast. For those of you new to the blog, Young’s Hill is the chimps’ 2 acre outdoor enclosure, with open skies overhead. On the hill, are a variety of wooden structures (Twister, Carlene’s Tower & Jamie’s Lookout to name a few) and bridges, fire hoses and tire swings for the chimps to climb and sit on. There is also Negra’s cabin, built with the Queen herself in mind.
We threw some of the cut up fruit on top of Negra’s cabin, with Missy in mind. She is the chimp most likely to climb that structure. But, today some of the other chimps beat her to it, one of which, most of us do not think we have ever seen climb to the top.
In all honesty, climbing isn’t exactly one of Burrito’s strong points. He can be a little awkward and doesn’t exhibit the most grace when climbing. But, when I stop to think about it, it’s not something he grew up doing or was taught how to do. Having spent decades in a cage the size of a bathroom stall, there isn’t much space or need for climbing to get from one place to another.
We’re just happy to see Burrito expanding his horizons to include climbing Negra’s cabin…perhaps, peaches and apples were the motivating factors 🙂
Thank you for capturing this moment!
Great to see you able to climb for something you love Mr. B! And we all know you love food! <3 Keep t up and enjoy your life!
Way to go Burrito! This is wonderful seeing him score the fruit before Missy and up so high. I love that last photo, he looks excited with his find!!! Adorable Athletic Mr. B!! ??
Way to show the ladies you have it in you! so proud.
What a touching story! Flowers bloom at different times, and like a flower, Burrito’s climbing flower is beginning to open!
Way to go big guy!
Burrito is just like my dog. If food is involved nothing is too amazing in order to accomplish the goal.