Just off to the side of the newest Young’s Hill structure (aptly named “Twister”) lies another “garden” mound of prickly lettuce. As caregivers searched to identify all seven chimpanzees so we could safely enter and clean the chimpanzee-free front rooms this morning, this is where we found Negra! It’s the farthest I have yet to see Negra travel on Young’s Hill (in my first year of employment at the sanctuary) and it’s pretty amazing to see this homebody continue to throw off her blankets and go just a little deeper into her 2 acres of green.
Dalyce says
Oh, beautiful Negra – so full of surprises! ????
Martha Faulkner says
Go Negra Go!
Kathleen says
Oh Negra, this is one of the many reasons why I love you so. I am loving these posts!
Jackie says
It’s good to see the lovely Queen Negra enjoying Young’s Hill!
PatC says
hooray for your OWN decisions, Negra! All Hail the Queen!
Holly says
She seems to have a look of peace on her face. I wish I loved lettuce as much as she does. lol May her life always be filled with as much lettuce as she can eat in a beautiful surroundings, with awesome care givers!!!
Arlene and Michael says
Are you close when you take the pictures or are you really zooming in on them? Negra looks so peaceful and unaffected that is why I was wondering if she is used to you with the camera or you are out of her sight?
Rita Stevenson says
I love Negra ~ its heartwarming to see Negra enjoying the Hill.
She has such a wonderful life – she is remarkable, ~