When caregivers so much as glance towards the garden growing outside the walls of the playroom, there is always a chimpanzee or two keeping a watch to make sure they aren’t missing out on something. Today was no different, as volunteers Denice and Yuri tackled the weeding in the garden beds, I caught several members of the Cle Elum 7 spying from various vantage points.
My favorite photo of this morning was of Jody peeking around the corner of the raceway to Young’s Hill so she can see just exactly what’s happening to her vegetable patch:
It’s not really a big surprise to see so many watchful eyes on the garden when it’s already starting to produce!
I love the picture of Jody keeping her eye on things!
The picture of Jody is wonderful. She can say so much without saying a word.
As the Queen of the Harvest, it is no surprise to see sweet Jody’s face peeking over to survey the progress being made in her garden! Everything starting to look ripe for the picking too. I am sure Missy is thinking “tomatoes”!
Thank you volunteers Denice and Yuri for all your hard work and gardening talents! I had the delightful pleasure of seeing the chimps garden once and I was very impressed. The chimps are so lucky to have gifted friends like you. ; )
Fabulous post!
Do you ever pull veggies from the ground and hand it to them?
After a quick wash, they get to eat their produce!
Love it! I assume the chimps get the weeds? Anything they particularly like? Can you tell me who provides the seeds every season? I hope you have a business contributor? I know, too many questions!
Thanks guys for all the wonderful wonderful things you do, and with such love and dedication. I’d say the 7 are the luckiest sanctuary chimps anywhere!
Caring volunteers donate the seeds to us each year (along with their hard labor)! We harvest the produce from the garden and leave the edible weed collecting to the chimps when they go out onto Young’s Hill (trust me, they find plenty)!
She is so adorable love the picture of Jody