Some people are known for being adventurous, curious, open to new experiences. Negra is not one of these people. Negra is an old lady who is stuck in her ways, and she loves her ways, thank you very much. Her ways include curling up with a pile of blankets and napping the day away. She doesn’t like interruptions, delays, inconveniences of any kind.
Negra is not the outdoorsy type. She likes the comforts of home, and to her, home is the indoor playroom of the chimp house. She rarely ventures outside unless the conditions are just right: perfect weather, delicious food. Luckily, the conditions were ideal this morning. The weather in Cle Elum today could not be more beautiful – warm temperatures, light breezes – so we scattered a breakfast forage on Young’s Hill. Not only did Negra go outside, she led the rest of the group out the door.
The lovely Queen Negra knows what she wants. Great photos!
Happy belated birthday Jackie. Hope it was fun. ????????????
Negra is an amazing lady! So ahppy to see her expanding her horizons!
I love that she can choose what she wants to do now!! Nice pictures.
I love these pics and narratives on the CE7. I have never seen such happy chimp faces!
Negra is quite the lady.
Beautiful Negra. It makes me happy to see her enjoying herself.
What a lovely lady! Negra looked good leading the troops. Great photos.
This makes my heart sing. Can’t think of many things that give me more joy than “Negra Weather” and her first days on Young’s Hill each spring. Just look at her! I enjoy seeing Negra in her squat with her soft sweet eyes, basking in the sun. Now it is officially spring!
Just fabulous – yay Negra! ????
I can’t believe she led the group outside. Such a sweet old lady. She truly looks regal!
Lovely Negra. I hope this the first of many outings.
So happy that the Queen had a wonderful day!