The chimpanzees have spent the last two meals welcoming 2016 in the only way we know how, with back to back forage parties! Last night they had a black and white themed forage complete with a sparkling pear cider “champagne” toast and today we broke out another bottle of cider and the chimpanzees had a New Year’s Day brunch forage.
The party meal..
Pear cider with black eyed peas, persimmons, kale, and a box of mixed nuts:
Jamie licking out smoothie from a tiny glass:
Missy stacked her plates to keep everything together:
Negra lost a bit of her brunch on the floor:
But she still managed to get some of it back to her upstairs nest:
Foxie was on hand to vacuum up Negra’s lost black eyed peas:
If you haven’t seen it yet, please enjoy this video as we look back on some of the best moments of 2015. Wishing you and yours, a very Happy New Year from all of us at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest!
Wishing you all the very best for 2016! Love all the pictures and videos, please keep them coming. ????
Thanks for the 2015 video recap, it was so special. Love the Cle Elum seven!
Enjoyed the look back at 2015! Wishing the precious chimps and their wonderful human friends a New Year filled with good health, peace, love and comfort!
What a wonderful way to welcome in the new year with two parties for the chimps. It looks like they really enjoyed themselves each in their own special way. Love that menu, and there was even a sparking cider! Yum. Heartwarming pictures. Thank you for that beautiful video to remind us of some special moments. Love and hugs to all of you at the sanctuary. Happy new year and thank you for all that you do for the chimps:)
Happy New Year to you all. I don’t know what I would do without the posts and pictures and videos. They make me feel less cut off. Please tell my hairy friends that I love them.
What a great video! I am just getting to know their individual personalities, but your photos really bring out their charisma. I can see that it would be hard to have a favorite because they all have such endearing idiosyncrasies. I could stare forever into Jamie’s piercing eyes, and know that there is a person returning that gaze. The gentle play between Missy and Annie always makes me feel warm. I absolutely adore those two photos of Burrito sleeping.
I love seeing the incredible care that is given to them and watch them interact. Thank you CSNW for all that you do for these beautiful beings! Happy New Year to all of you and to the CE-7!!
I absolutely love these chimps, ~ I love seeing them happy, fulfilled, at peace, and always developing adn growing in to their true selves, ~ they live such a good life , with love, respect, and amazing care from all the staff – Thank You CSNW for caring as you do, ~
Thank you for the 2015 highlight video. Each image reminds me of the importance of basic everyday things we can all take for granted — yummy healthy food, special celebrations, best friends, family bonds, fresh air, green grass and blue sky, the thrill of running and the relaxing pace of a good walk, and the comfort of snuggling in for a cozy nap. Hope. Love. Home. 3 little words that represent so much. Sending love and kisses to all!