Our caregivers make a valiant effort to juggle all of the chimpanzees’ needs, personalities, and moods. Some days it goes better than others.
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Elizabeth
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
Great insight.
If they each had a scarf, would Jamie still have taken Burrito’s? I assume so as she is sending her message loud and clear. Poor Burrito… he not only has Jamie but all the women to deal with daily.
Yes, it was less about the scarf and more about Jamie telling Denice and Burrito to cut out the nonsense. 🙂
I was wondering if that put an end to playing with the scarf? Did Jamie continue to wear it or did she want to play tug with her caregiver as well?
Sometimes Jamie doesn’t appreciate people having too much fun without her approval. By taking the scarf, she was telling Burrito and Denice that play time was over. 🙂 It’s just one of the ways she exerts her dominance. Here’s an older blog post with another amusing video demonstrating this same behavior: https://chimpsnw.org/2010/09/the-party-police/
Oh Burrito, you were having so much fun, too! I guess too much as far as Jamie was concerned! Oh well, another day you handsome boy!!
SO while Denice and Burrito were sharing laughs and tugs, what were Sandra and “Ms. Party Police” doing? Jamie looked so quiet I was curious what she doing with Sandra.
Jamie and I had just returned from a walk around Young’s Hill. She was grooming my boots and attempting to get a band-aid off my thumb, reaching with a long stick through the caging. I had the scarf on for our walk around the hill, then gave it to Jamie, but she discarded it. She only wanted it again after Burrito and Denice started playing tug-o-war 🙂
I should have known Jamie was being so quiet in the video because she was grooming some boots! This was a very funny video and thanks for letting us in on what we couldn’t see over Jamie’s protective shoulders. I now understand why she had to “police” the scarf too.
Jamie always reminds me of “Lucy” from the Charlie Brown Peanuts gang……