Jamie and Foxie are well known for their longtime obsessions with boots and troll dolls, respectively. But occasionally one of the other chimps will develop a fleeting infatuation with a particular piece of enrichment.
Today, Jody has not let this Dora the Explorer doll out of her sight. She was carrying it when I greeted her first thing this morning:
And she still had it when she came in from a lunch forage on Young’s Hill.
At one point, she accidentally left Dora in the front rooms when she went out to the greenhouse, and when she realized, she ran back inside to rescue her. This afternoon she settled down with Dora to watch the happenings on Young’s Hill.
Jody has such a gentle face – I could just see her racing back for her Dora … Adorable!
that face melts my heart
Her face says it all.
What a sweetheart!
I’d be a Chimp male, sure I’d fall in love with Jody… She is a wonderful girl with talking eyes.
Sweet sweet Foxie. I am happy for her contentment. Her eyes tell her story. She would have been a wonderful mother.
Oops put wrong name in my comment. Sweet Jody. Foxie is certainly sweet also.
What a face, I love the last photo.
She has *such* a beautiful, expressive face. <3