If you missed it earlier in the week, the chimpanzees received the beautiful gift of a week of sanctuary, sponsored by Michael for Arlene in celebration of her birthday! Arlene, as today is your actual birthday, we want to send lots of birthday pant hoots, squeaks, and grunts your way. We hope your day is filled with all that you most love and if you need any ideas of how to spend your time, here are some suggestions from the chimpanzees:
Enjoy a peaceful walk, like Annie:
Burrito might suggest doing anything as long as it involves food:
Enjoying the company of good friends like Foxie (right), Jamie (left), Doras and trolls:
Jamie likes to spend quality time admiring her beautiful boots:
A relaxing day of yoga, Jody-style:
Missy might choose anything involving an adventure:
And Negra…well, it’s pretty safe to say Negra thinks every day should be celebrated with relaxing in a cozy nest in a sunny spot:
Arlene, however you choose to spend your special day, we hope it’s filled with the hope, love, home and sanctuary that you and Michael so graciously help ensure for the chimpanzees. Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday, Arlene!!
Thank you SO much for the birthday wishes. I just love the sentiments and pictures from each chimp. That is all great advice and I will try to take something from each of them, although I have to say that I am leaning towards Burrito’s philosophy – I am a foodie too:)
Have a wonderful day Arlene! Thank you for sharing it with the chimps!
This is great!!!
Happy Birthday Arlene!!!
What a wonderful gift for the chimps! Hope your Birthday was the best!