Today we celebrated Foxie’s 39th birthday! It was a day filled with some of her favorite foods – lots and lots of fruit, fruit smoothie in shot glasses…
Foxie found a smoothie shot on the hill:
plus there were carrots, celery, more fruit, avocados, sweet potatoes, corn, and fresh-pressed carrot & apple juice!
There’s a video below, but first a few shots of the chimps enjoying the celebration in their own way:
Burrito looking for food:
Annie chillin’ in the hammock:
Negra getting that last bit of coconut from the cup:
Jody in her characteristic belly-to-the-ground position, finishing her meal:
And Missy, who was not going to let a bit of the flaked coconut that was in this piñata go to waste.
Not one…
little bit
There were several people who contributed to Foxie’s celebration, including Karen Young who provided decorations and money for food, Tracy H. who sponsored the day, Jayne R., and many people who sent Foxie Dora and troll dolls. Thanks for making her day special!
Enjoy the video!
A wonderful party! Happy Birthday to the lovely Foxie! I wish you and the other chimps many happy future days! You are all such special beings and deserve to be surrounded by comfort, love, peace and fun! Thank you to all the people that made the party possible, and to all the caregivers. You are all truly special people!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOXIE!!! My beautiful friend, I am so pleased you can finally celebrate life and living!!! I hope you have a wonderful year full of health, happiness, love, comforts, companions, and troll and Dora’s!
Oh, oh, oh! The video of Foxie with Dora’s long haired friends is so delightful. The way Foxie delicately brushes the long luxurious locks across her nose and eyes! Oh, so sweet! Has Foxie ever had a doll with hair like Dora’s “foxie” friends?!
Something tells me Foxie is going to have a Troll-Dora Hangover in the morning! I love you sweet, dear Foxie! XOXOXO
Wonderful post – thank you for,sharing Foxies birthday party with us. Love the video!
A wonderful party! We loved seeing Foxie enjoying the day! We are happy we could be a part of it in some small way.
what a nice party for a special lady…. but I can’t help be a little sad about Foxie’s babies that were stolen from her…. how horrible…..those people deserve ….. well…… I am not going to say what
what a nice party for a special lady…. but I can’t help be a little sad about Foxie’s babies that were stolen from her…. how horrible…..those people deserve ….. well…… I am not going to say what I am thinking…. but it is bad.
LOVE! Happy Birthday Foxie! Looks like you had a wonderful celebration! … So funny about choosing the dolls. I wonder what the criteria is for her. They are all precious. Thank you for all you do and for sharing them with us. XO
A belated Happy Birthday to Foxie! Am so glad she received everything she enjoys – and deserves. Thank you to all who made it happen.